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some team leaders think that the only way to () their team is through cash incentives. How

ever research proves that money is the last thing you would want to use





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请根据短文的内容,回答题。 Are You a Successful Leader?(1) Almost nothing we do in this wor


Are You a Successful Leader?

(1) Almost nothing we do in this world is done in isolation. At work or at play, you&39;ll find yourself in groups, working with other people: your team at work, a meeting with colleagues, your family, a holiday with friends, a group of students working together, a day out walking in the mountains, a group of neighbors wanting to make changes. It is now recognized that being able to work successfully with other people is one of the major keys to success, partly because we need to do it so often.<br>

(2) In almost every situation where you&39;re in a group, you will need a skilled leader. All groups need leaders and all successful groups have good leaders. Groups without leaders or with weak leaders almost always break down. Members of a leaderless group often begin to feel dissatisfied and frustrated. Time is wasted and the tasks are not achieved. There are often arguments and tensions between people as there is nobody to keep the goals clear. Some personalities dominate and others disappear. Often group members begin not to come to meetings in order to avoid more disharmonies.<br>

(3) Some people are natural leaders. The celebrity chef, Antonio Carluccio says, "true leaders are born and you can spot them in kitchens." They&39;re people who combine toughness,fairness and humor. Although a lot of people agree that there are some natural-born leaders,most people now recognize that leadership can also be taught. Our professional and experienced staff can train almost anyone how to be a successful leader. Good leaders don&39;t make people do things in a bossy, controlling way. You can learn how to involve everyone,encouraging the whole group to work towards a common goal.<br>

(4) Our training courses use activities and techniques to develop a range of qualities which are necessary to be a good leader. Self-confidence is vital for you to overcome your own fears about being a leader. Successful leaders also need to be calm and intelligent. They need to be able to work out good strategies and make sound judgments under pressure. Lastly, and probably most importantly, good leaders need to be sensitive, sociable and be able to get on with a wide range of people. Good leadership is essentially the ability to influence others and good leaders allow all members of the group to contribute.

Paragraph 1__________ 查看材料

A.Most of good leaders are natural-bom.

B.It"s important to have a good leader.

C.People are in groups.

D.These techniques are used to train leaders.

E.Training can make good leaders.

F.A good leader needs a variety of qualities. A good leader needs a variety of qualities.

??Team spirit??[A] Teams have become the basic building blocks of organizations. Recruitme

??Team spirit??

[A] Teams have become the basic building blocks of organizations. Recruitment advertisements routinely call for “team players”. Business schools grade their students in part on their performance in group projects. Office managers knock down walls to encourage team building. Teams are as old as civilization, of course: even Jesus had 12 co-workers. But a new report by Deloitte, “Global Human Capital Trends”, based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries, suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high. Almost half of those surveyed said their companies were either in the middle of restructuring or about to embark on (开始)it; and for the most part, restructuring meant putting more emphasis on teams.

[B] Companies are abandoning conventional functional departments and organising employees into cross-disciplinary teams that focus on particular products, problems or customers. These teams are gaining more power to run their own affairs. They are also spending more time working with each other rather than reporting upwards. Deloitte argues that a new organisational form. is on the rise: a network of teams is replacing the conventional hierarchy (等级体制).

[C] The fashion for teams is driven by a sense that the old way of organising people is too rigid for both the modem marketplace and the expectations of employees. Technological innovation places greater value on agility (灵活性).John Chambers, chairman of Cisco Systems Inc., a worldwide leader in electronics products, says that “we compete against market transitions (过渡),not competitors. Product transitions used to take five or seven years; now they take one or two. ” Digital technology also makes it easier for people to co-ordinate their activities without resorting to hierarchy. The “millennials” (千禧一代) who will soon make up half the workforce in rich countries were raised from nursery school onwards to work in groups.

[D] The fashion for teams is also spreading from the usual corporate suspects (such as GE and IBM) to some more unusual ones. The Cleveland Clinic, a hospital operator, has reorganised its medical staff into teams to focus on particular treatment areas; consultants, nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality (专业)and rank. The US Army has gone the same way. In his book, “Team of Teams&39; General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army’s hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war. His solution was to learn something from the insurgents it was fighting: decentralise authority to self-organising teams.

[E] A good rule of thumb is that as soon as generals and hospital administrators jump on a management bandwagon, it is time to ask questions. Leigh Thompson of Kellogg School of Management in Illinois warns that, ‘Teams are not always the answer—teams may provide insight, creativity and knowledge in a way that a person working independently cannot; but teamwork may also lead to confusion, delay and poor decision-making.” The late Richard Hackman of Harvard University once argued, “I have no question that when you have a team, the possibility exists that it will generate magic, producing something extraordinary... But don’t count on it.”

[F] Hackman (who died in 2013) noted that teams are hampered by problems of co-ordination and motivation that chip away at the benefits of collaboration. High-flyers forced to work in teams may be undervalued and free-riders empowered. Groupthink may be unavoidable. In a study of 120 teams of senior executives, he discovered that less than 10% of their supposed members agreed on who exactly was on the team. If it is hard enough to define a team’s membership, agreeing on its purpose is harder still.

[G] Profound changes in the workforce are making teams trickier to manage. Teams work best if their members have a strong common culture. This is hard to achieve when, as is now the case in many big firms, a large proportion of staff are temporary contractors. Teamwork improves with time: America’s National Transportation Safety Board found that 73% of the incidents in its civil-aviation database occurred on a crew’s first day of flying together. However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organisations increasingly use “team” as a verb rather than a noun: they form. teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them.

[H] The least that can be concluded from this research is that companies need to think harder about managing teams. They need to rid their minds of sentimentalism (感情用事):the most successful teams have leaders who are able to set an overall direction and take immediate action. They need to keep teams small and focused: giving in to pressure to be more “inclusive” is a guarantee of dysfunction. Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s boss, says that “If I see more than two pizzas for lunch, the team is too big.” They need to immunize teams against group-think: Hackman argued that the best ones contain “deviants” (离经叛道者)who are willing to do something that maybe upsetting to others.

[I] A new study of 12,000 workers in 17 countries by Steelcase, a furniture-maker which also does consulting, finds that the best way to ensure employees are “engaged” is to give them more control over where and how they do their work―which may mean liberating them from having to do everything in collaboration with others.

[J] However, organisations need to learn something bigger than how to manage teams better: they need to be in the habit of asking themselves whether teams are the best tools for the job. Teambuilding skills are in short supply: Deloitte reports that only 12% of the executives they contacted feel they understand the way people work together in networks and only 21% feel confident in their ability to build cross-functional teams. Loosely managed teams can become hotbeds of distraction―employees routinely complain that they can’t get their work done because they are forced to spend too much time in meetings or compelled to work in noisy offices. Even in the age of open-plan offices and social networks some work is best left to the individual.

36. Successful team leaders know exactly where the team should go and are able to take prompt action.

37. Decentralisation of authority was also found to be more effective in military operations.

38. In many companies, the conventional form. of organisation is giving way to a network of teams.

39. Members of poorly managed teams are easily distracted from their work.

40. Teamwork is most effective when team members share the same culture.

41. According to a report by Deloitte, teamwork is becoming increasingly popular among companies.

42. Some team members find it hard to agree on questions like membership and the team’s purpose.

43. Some scholars think teamwork may not always be reliable, despite its potential to work wonders.

44. To ensure employees’ commitment, it is advisable to give them more flexibility as to where and how they work.

45. Product transitions take much less time now than in the past.

If you want to have some () with your audience, you may prepare some questions for th

A. reaction

B. interaction

C. Fraction

Who has caused some problems amongst the team in the past________




Within Australia, Australian Hotels Inc. (AHI) operates nine hotels and employs over 2,000

Within Australia, Australian Hotels Inc. (AHI) operates nine hotels and employs over 2,000 permanent full-time staff, 300 permanent part-time employees and 100 casual staff. One of its latest ventures, the Sydney Airport Hotel (SAH), opened in March 1995. The hotel is the closest to Sydney Airport and is designed to provide the best available accommodation, food and beverage and meeting facilities in Sydney's southern suburbs. Similar to many international hotel chains, however, AHI has experienced difficulties in Australia in providing long-term profits for hotel owners, as a result of the country's high labour-coat structure. In order to develop an economically viable hotel organisation model, AHI decided to implement some new policies and practices at SAH.

The first of the initiatives was an organisational structure with only three levels of management -- compared to the traditional seven. Partly as a result of this change, there are 25 percent fewer management positions, enabling a significant saving. This change also has other implications. Communication, both up and down the organisation, has greatly improved. Decision-making has been forced down in many eases to front-line employees. As a result, guest requests are usually me without reference to a supervisor, improving both customer and employee satisfaction.

The hotel recognised that it would need a different approach to selecting employees who would fit in with its new policies. In its advertisements, the hotel stated a preference for people with some "service" experience in order to minimize traditional work practices being introduced into the hotel. Over 7,000 applicants filled in application forms for the 120 jobs initially offered at SAH. The balance of the positions at the hotel (30 management and 40 shift leader positions) were predominantly filled by transfers from other AHI properties.

A series of tests and interviews were conducted with potential employees, which eventually left 280 applicants competing the 120 advertised positions. After the final interview, potential recruits were divided into three categories. Category A was for applicants exhibiting strong leadership qualities, Category C was for applicants perceived to be followers, and Category B was for applicants with both leader and follower qualities. Department heads and shift leaders then composed prospective teams using a combination of people from all three categories. Once suitable teams were formed, offers of employment were made team members.

Another major initiative by SAH was to adopt a totally multi-skilled workforce. Although there may be some limitations with highly technical jobs such as cooking or maintenance, wherever possible, employees at SAH are able to work in a wide variety of positions. A multi-skilled workforce provides far greater management flexibility, during peak and quiet times to transfer employees to needed positions. For example, when office staff are away on holidays during quiet periods of the year, employees in either food or beverage or housekeeping departments can temporarily fill in.

The most crucial way, however, of improving the labour cost structure at SAH was to find better, more productive ways of providing customer service. SAH management concluded this would first require a process of "benchmarking". The prime objective of the benchmarking process was to compare a range of service delivery processes across a range of criteria using made up of employees from different departments within the hotel which interacted with each other. This process resulted in performance measures that greatly enhanced SAH's ability to improve productivity and quality.

The front office team discovered through this project that a high proportion of AHI club member reservations were incomplete. As a result, the service provided to these guests was below the standard promised to them as part of their membership agr





Incredibly, she succeeded in driving the moose out of her team, but not before some o
f her dogs had been severely injured.

David:OK, the interviews are on Friday.This is the shortlist of candidates for the job
there are four people.

Xiaoyan: Looking at their application forms, there are some very good people here with a lot of skills.The advertisement in the newspaper was good.

David:This one looks very intelligent.His CV says he was at Harvard and Bristol universities.Yes, they are all young and experienced.

Mark:Any attractive!

David:Do you mean good-looking in their photos, or attractive personality?

Mark:Personality, of course! We want someone relaxed and easygoing as well as bright.

David:Yes,we’re a small team, so to be friendly is important.

Xiaoyan: As well as personality, the important skills are web-design, website management, training skills and French, am I right?

1、The interviews last two days.()

2、There are four people on the shortlist of candidates.()

3、A candidate’s personality is more important than his or her skills.()

4、All four candidates were at Harvard and Bristol Universities.()

5、The team are looking for people with four skills: web-design, website, management, training skills and French.()

There is a business letter below. After reading it, you should give brief answers to t
he 5 questions (No.41 through No.45) that follow. The answevs (in not more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.

Gmail(Google Email)Notice

Subject: Your Gmail account has bean inactive for a long time

From “The Gmail Team”gmail-noreply@gmail,com

Time2008-06-26 14:12:15

To wanghaiyan@163.com

Hi there,

We’ve noticed that you haven’t used your Gmail account,wanghaiyan@ gmail.com,for quite some time.In order to make Gmail better for our users,we’ve added a lot of things in the last few months and we hope you’ll want to start using your account again.

Stop worrying about storage(存储量).Your account now has 5000 megabytes(兆字节)of free storage and our plan is to continue growing your storage by giving you more space as we are able.

The Gmail interface(界面)is now available in 12 languages.If you don’t see the language you want on this list.Look for it in the future because we’re going to keep adding more.

We’re still working hard every day to build for you the best email service around.But to keep Gmail great for our users.we may have to close inactive accounts after 9 months.So,we hope you’11 give us another chance.To log in(登录)to your Gmail account,just visit:http://gmail,google,com.


The Gmail Team

41.Why does the Gmail Team write to the Gmail user?

Because the user hasn’t used his/her Gmail_______for quite some time.

42.What kind of storage the user’s account now has?

It now has 5,000 megabytes of_________________________storage.

43.How many languages are available in the Gmail interface now?


44.What may happen to the user’s account if it is inactive for 9 months?

The Gmail team may have to_______________the user’s account.

45.What is the purpose of the Gmail team in sending this email?

They hope the user will______________the account.

In competitive markets,leaders are under increased pressure to maintain a positive work culture.A positive work culture cultivates greater employee satisfaction;greater employee satisfaction contributes to higher performance;higher performance impacts improved client outcomes;improved client outcomes contribute to service excellence.

Positive work cultures are built over time and need constant attention.Such cultures are dependent on leadership vision and values.

An effective leader sets the tone for the team,encourages a positive workplace culture and is able to bring about cultural change.

Workplace culture is made up of the shared attitudes,beliefs,behaviors,values and expectations that influence the way people work in the workplace.It is the way we do things around here.

Some cultural aspects are understood by all and are obvious such as turning up for wok on time,while others may be unwritten rules that are not so obvious for example how personal issues are resolved with work colleagues.

Many factors that influence whether a workplace has a positive outlook are within the control of people who work in a workplace.There are also factors out of their control,such as slumps in global prices or a change in demand and supply.The company can,however,control how they respond to these factors.

Those companies that do create positive workplace environments develop a reputation in their community as being 'good to work for' and have a competitive edge.Not only are these companies more able to attract and retain people,they tend to be more stable as they proactively deal with issues and adapt to change.

Teams work best when they are clear about what is expected of them.They are more able to deal with difficult issues if they feel the values of the organization are supportive of them.

For a workplace culture to be positive,the direction and actions of the business must be consistent with the core values of the people in the workplace.The people must trust each other and be able to openly express and exchange ideas.

Working through these steps will help with developing a positive business culture.

1.A positive work culture will give workers more satisfaction.

2.Positive cultures have a lot to do with leadership vision and values.

3.The direction and actions for the business must differ from the core values of the employees in order for a workplace culture to be positive.

4.In competitive markets,leaders are under more and more pressure to keep a positive work culture.

5.Positive work culture can be built in a short period of time.

The inner voice of people who appear unconscious can now be heard. For the first time, res
earchers have struck up a conversation with a man diagnosed as being in a vegetative (植物的) state. All they had to do was monitor how his brain responded to specific questions.

"They can now have some involvement in their destiny," says Adrian Owen of the University of Cambridge, who led the team doing the work.

In an earlier experiment, Owen's team asked a woman previously diagnosed as being in a vegetative state to picture herself carrying out one of two different activities. The resulting brain activity suggested she understood the commands and was therefore conscious.

Now Owen's team has taken the idea a step further. A man also diagnosed with VS was able to answer yes and no to specific questions by imagining himself engaging in the same activities.

The results suggest that it is possible to give a degree of choice to some people who have no other way of communicating with the outside world. "We are not just showing they are conscious, we are giving them a voice and a way to communicate," says neurologist (神经病学家) Steven Laureys of the University of Liege in Belgium, Owen's partner.

Doctors traditionally base these diagnoses on how someone behaves: for example, whether they can glance in different directions in response to questions. The new results show that you don't need behavioural indications to identify awareness and even a degree of cognitive proficiency. All you need to do is tap into brain activity directly.

The work "changes everything", says Nicholas Schiff, a neurologist at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, who is carrying out similar work on patients with consciousness disorders. "Knowing that someone could persist in a state like this and not show evidence of the fact that they can answer yes/no questions should he extremely disturbing to our practice."

One of the most difficult questions you might want to ask someone is whether they want to carry on living. But as Owen and Laureys point out, the scientific, legal and ethical challenges for doctors asking such questions are formidable.

"They" in the second paragraph can be replaced by "______".

A.patients in a VS


C.monitoring machines

D.specific questions

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