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Four months ago Mrs. B. ordered a rug from a store which promised to deliver it in abo

ut two weeks. Three weeks passed, but the rug did not arrive. When Mrs. B. telephoned the store to ask about it, she was told that the rug had been lost and that the store would send her another.Weeks later, when Mrs. B. telephoned again, the store claimed that the second rug had been delivered and left on her front porch. She didn't believe this story, as she had been at home as usual, and her door bell was in good working order. However, the store promised her that a third rug would be delivered within a week. It wasn't. What could she do? How could she get action?

Mrs. B. did what many other Americans have done--with excellent results. She wrote a letter to the newspaper in her town, explaining her problem. A few days later her letter appeared in the newspaper, and this sentence was printed below it:

The store found a way to safely deliver your rug immediately after hearing from us.In this age of machines, it is often hard to get action from businesses that have made mistakes. An individual person can complain, but his complaints may accomplish nothing. Luckily, newspapers now employ people to help with such problems, and the results are published in a special section of the paper.Mrs. B's letter appeared in a column called MR. FIX-IT. During the same week the following letter from Mrs. J. was printed in the ACTION LINE column of another newspaper

"Many weeks ago I bought some living room furniture from the House and Garden Shop in Parkersville. They have set three delivery dates, and each time I had to stay home from work and wait for the truck, which never came. I have called the store at least fifteen times, and each time they have said they would look for the furniture. This has been going on for two months. I guess they are still looking. " The ACTION LINE writer's reply was printed below Mrs. J's letter: "They found it. Action Line made one telephone call to the president of the company, who told us: 'the customer will get satisfaction. ' The furniture was found, and it arrived at your home yesterday."

1.How long was it after Mrs. B. called the store again that she wrote to the local newspaper? ____

A、Three weeks

B、Two weeks

C、About a week

D、Four months

2.The phrase "to get action" last line, 2nd paragraph means ____.

A、to get the store to deliver the rug

B、to find the rug that has been misdelivered

C、to cancel the order from the store

D、to quarrel with the store manager

3.The passage points out that in the machine age people's complaints usually____.

A、bring about mistakes

B、prove useless

C、cause more serious trouble

D、prove effective

4.After writing to the newspaper, ____.

A、Mrs. B found her rug

B、Mrs. B had to wait for another several weeks

C、Mrs. B's problem remained unsolved

D、Mrs. B's problem was solved very soon

5.In the last paragraph, the sentence "The customer will get satisfaction" means____

A、Mrs. J. will get what she wants

B、Mrs. J. will be paid for her loss

C、Mrs. J. will get better furniture

D、Mrs. J. will find that she was mistaken

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“Welcome to the U.S.A.! Major credit cards are accepted!”By the millions they are coming
“Welcome to the U.S.A.! Major credit cards are accepted!”

By the millions they are coming no longer the tired, the poor, the wretched masses longing for a better living.These are the wealthy.“We don’t have a budget,” says a biologist from Brazil, as she walks with two companions through New York City’s South Street.“We just use our credit cards.”

The US has long been one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, but this year has been exceptional.First, there was the World Cup, which drew thousands from every corner of the globe; then came the weakening of the US dollar against major currencies.Now the US, still the world’s superpower, can also claim to be the world’s bargain basement (廉价商品部).Nobody undersells America these days on just about everything, from consumer electronics to fashion clothes to tennis rackets.Bottom retail prices anywhere from 30% to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia have attracted some 47 million visitors, who are expected to leave behind $ 79 billion in 1994.That’s up from $ 74 billion the year before.

True, not everyone comes just for bargains.There remains an undeniable fascination in the rest of the world with all things American, nourished by Hollywood films and US television series.But shopping the USA is proving irresistible.Every week thousands arrive with empty suitcases ready to be filled; some even rent an additional hotel room to hold their purchases.The buying binge (无节制) has become as important as watching Old Faithful Fountains erupt in Yellowstone Park or sunbathing on a beach in Florida.

The US has come at last to appreciate what other countries learned long ago: the puring in of foreign tourists may not always be convenient, but it does put money in the bank.And with a trade deficit at about $ 130 billion and growing for the past 12 months, the US needs all the deposits it can get.Compared with American tourists abroad, visitors to the US stay longer and spend more money at each stop; an average of 12.2 night and $ 1624 a traveler versus the Americans’ four nights and $ 298.

31.From what the Brazilian biologist says, we know that tourists like her.

A.are reluctant to carry cash with them.

B.simply don’t care how much they spend.

C.are not good at planning their expenditure.

D.often spend more money than they can afford.

32.The reason why 1994 was exceptional is that.

A.it saw an unusually large number of tourists to the US

B.it witnessed a drop in the number of tourists to the US.

C.tourism was hardly affected by the weakening of the US dollar that year.

D.tourists came to the US for sightseeing rather than for bargains that year.

33.By saying “Nobody undersells America” (Underlined), the author means that .

A.no other country underestimates the competitiveness of American products.

B.Nobody expects the Americans to cut the prices of their commodities.

C.nobdy restrains the selling of American goods.

D.no other country sells at a lower price than America.

34.Why does the author assert that all things American are fascinating to foreigners?

A.Because they have gained much publicity through the American media.

B.Because they represent the world’s latest fashions.

C.Because they embody the most sophisticated technology.

D.Because they are available at all tourist destinations.

35.From the passage we can conclude that the US has come to realize.

A.the weakening of the US dollar can result in trade deficits.

B.the lower the retail prices, the greater in profits.

C.tourism can make great contributions to its economy.

D.visitors to the US are wealthier than US tourists abroad.

Some children are backward in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mot
her is insensitive to the cues and signals of the infant, whose brain is programmed to mop up(吸收) language rapidly. There are critical times, it seems, when children learn more readily. If these sensitive periods are neglected, the ideal time for acquiring skills passes and they might never be learned so easily again. A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.Linguists suggest that speech milestones are reached in a fixed sequence and at a constant age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually turns out to be of high IQ (Intelligence Quotient(智商. At twelve weeks a baby smiles and utters vowel-like sounds; at twelve months he can speak simple words and under- stand simple commands; at eighteen months he has a vocabulary of thirty to fifty words. At three he knows about 1000 words which he can put into sentences, and at four his language differs from that of his parents in style. rather than grammar.Recent evidence suggests that an infant is born with the capacity to speak. What is special about man's brain, compared with that for the monkey, is the complex system which enables a child to connect the sight and feel of, say, a teddy-bear with the sound pattern "teddy-bear". And even more incredible(不可思议) is the young brain's ability to pick out an order in language from the hubbub(喧哗) of sound around him, to analyse, to combine and recombine the parts of a language in novel ways.But speech has to be triggered(触发), and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, where the mother recognizes the cues and signals in the child's babbling, (咿咿呀呀) clinging, grasping, crying, smiling, and responds to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls the interaction because the child gets discouraged and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity to the child's non-verbal cues is essential to the growth and development of language.

1.The reason some children are backward in speaking today is that ____.

A、they do not listen carefully to their mothers

B、their brains have to absorb too much language at once

C、their mothers do not respond to their attempts to speak

D、their mothers are not intelligent enough to help them

2.By "critical times" the author means ____.

A、difficult periods in the child's life

B、moments when the child becomes critical towards its mother

C、important stages in the child's development

D、times when mothers often neglect their children

3.Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage____.

A、The faculty of speech is inborn in man.

B、Children do not need to be encouraged to speak.

C、The child's brain is highly selective.

D、Most children learn their language in definite stages.

4.It the mother does not respond to her child's signals ____.

A、the child will never be able to speak properly

B、the child will stop giving out signals

C、the child will invent a language of its own

D、the child will make little effort to speak

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage____.

A、By the age of a year and a half the child's vocabulary is still under 100 words.

B、By the age of four children still make many grammatical mistakes.

C、The author does not believe that children select and analyse their language.

D、All children of high IQ start to speak early.

Many years ago when the summers seemed longer and life was less complicated, we had re
nted a cottage 31 a river in the heart of the country 32 the whole family was going to 33 a three-week holiday. There were four of us: me, Mum and Dad, and Mum‟s sister, Auntie June. Oh, and I mustn‟ t forget to 34 Spot, our little dog. I was 35 to go off by myself all day, 36 I promised to be careful and took Spot with me for 37.

One day I was out fishing with Spot when we heard a lot of shouting in the 38 followed by a scream and splash. I was a bit 39 so I called Spot and we both hid 40 a bush where we could see but not be 41 . After a few moments, a straw hat came drifting down the river, followed by an oar, a picnic basket and 42 oar. Then came the rowing boat itself, but it was 43 upside down ! A few seconds later my Dad and Auntie June came running 44 the river bank, both wet 45 . Spot started barking so I came out of hiding and said hello. My Dad got really angry 46 me for not trying to catch the boat as it went past. Luckily, 47 , the boat and both the oars had been caught by an overhanging tree a little further downstream, but not the hat or picnic basket. So I had to let them 48 my sandwiches. Dad and Auntie June both made me 49 not to tell Mum what had happened 50 she would be worried.





















In cities across the United States, old factories, warehouses, schools railroad statio
ns and other buildings are being renovated for new uses.City planners and private investors are finding the good buildings, no matter how old, can be remodeled for new purposes.“If you’d asked someone four or five years ago whether he’d rent an apartment in an abandoned piano factory of clothing warehouse, he’d have thought you were crazy,” says a New York architect.“Today, many people are eager to do it.” The renovating may include a former city hall or courthouse changed into offices; a bank or church changed into a restaurant; or , as in Plains, Georgia, a railroad station used as a center for a presidential campaign.

Only a few decades ago, renovation was unpopular and generally far more expensive than taking down abandoned building and string from the beginning.A change began in the 1960s with a number of well-advertised projects.They included Ghirardelli Square in San Francisco, where an old chocolate factory was restored and made into shops and restaurants, Trolly Square in Salt Lake, where unused warehouses were made into artists’ studios and apartments.

What caused the change? “One reason is nostalgia,” a San Francisco builder suggests.“Maybe old is better than new, many people are saying.Feelings about preserving attractive or historic buildings have changed a great deal.” A second cause is economy.The cost of tearing down an old building and constructing a new one from nothing now has risen to the point where it is often less expensive to fix a solid older structure.Also builders realize that fixing up an existing building often requires no new permits, sewer lines, or water connections.

Even when the costs of restoration are the same as or a bit more than the costs of putting up a new building, fixing the old building may be better.A Boston architect says The advantage comes when you can develop a final project that is more desirable than a new building – one with the right location, more space, more floor area, a special character, materials of a particular quality.” Gradually, architects and builders are developing knowledge about renovation and preservation, bringing imagination and creativity to the job.

16.In the United States, renovating old buildings_____.

A.has had a long history

B.is becoming increasingly popular

C.is still unpopular

D.has just caught the fancy of architects and builders

17.Ghirardelli Square, Trolley Square, and the Soho district are projects that_________.

A.have been given much publicity

B.are little known to the public

C.have been widely discussed among builders and city planners

D.have changed the building business

18.“Nostalgia” in the 3rd paragraph most probably means________.

A.being conservative

B.being keen on saving money

C.being fond of things new

D.being fond of things of the remote past

19.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Every old building can be renovated for new uses

B.Renovating old buildings is always less costly than putting up new ones

C.Renovation does not require imagination and creativity

D.Fixing an old building may have advantages even when it costs a little more

This agreement may be ____ six months before its expiry. A. expanded B. renewed C. pos

This agreement may be ____ six months before its expiry.

A. expanded

B. renewed

C. postponed

D. prolonged

It would be months _________ he was fit for work.





Please ____payment in full three months from today.





The baby panda is only five____.

A.year old

B.year’s old

C.month old

D.months old

“This certificate is valid for six months from the date of issue.”,最确切的翻译是()A.本证

“This certificate is valid for six months from the date of issue.”,最确切的翻译是()





The machines were shipped two weeks ago and ______you by now.

A.should have reached

B.have reached

C.should reach

D.shall reach

If more than 40% of the depreciable basis of personal property is placed in service during the last three months of the tax year, the taxpayer must use the mid-quarter convention.()
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