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● Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of (71) to more rapidly ident

ify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology, (72) reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from (73) . All system analysis approaches require some form. of (74) whichincludes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community. (75) is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities.


A. object models

B. prototypes

C. use cases

D. components


A. eXtreme programming

B. model driven

C. reverse engineering

D. agile method


A. existing database and application program

B. application program and user interface

C. existing database and user interface

D. existing database, application program and user interface


A. requirement discovery

B. business process redesign

C. cause-and-effect analysis

D. total quality management


A. Continuous process improvement

B. Joint requirements planning

C. Fact-finding

D. Structured engineering

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更多“● Accelerated analysis approac…”相关的问题
●In general,atypical (71) model is composed of several phases, such as requirements analys

●In general,atypical (71) model is composed of several phases, such as requirements analysis phase, generaUdetailed design phase, implementation phase, system acceptance testing phase.


A. waterfall




Beyond the realm of information technology, the accelerated pace of technological ch





Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of (71) to more rapidly identif

Accelerated analysis approaches emphasize the construction of (71) to more rapidly identify business and user requirements for a new system. As an accelerated analysis technology,(72) reads the program code and automatically generates the equivalent system model, and the code can be obtained from (73) All system analysis approaches require some form. of (74) which includes those techniques to be used to identify or extract system problems and solution requirements from user community.(75) is a classical set of techniques used to collect information about system problems, opportunities, solution requirements, and priorities.

A.object models


C.use cases


(71)analysisemphasizesthedrawingofpictorialsystemmodelstodocumentandvalidatebothexisting a

(71) analysis emphasizes the drawing of pictorial system models to document and validate both existing and/or proposed systems. Ultimately, the system models become the (72)fordesigning and constructing an improved system. (73)is such a technique. The emphasis in this technique is process-centered. Systems analysts draw a series of processmodels called(74). (75)is another such technique that integrates data and processconcerns into constructs called objects.


A. Prototyping

B. Accelerated

C. Model-driven

D. Iterative



B. picture

C. layout

D. blueprint


A. Structured analysis

B. Information Engineering

C. Discovery Prototyping

D. Object-Oriented analysis







A. Structured analysis

B. Information Engineering

C. Discovery Prototyping

D. Object-Oriented analysis

Successful innovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted
in higher productivity, greater consumption of energy, increased demand for raw materials, accelerated flow of materials through the economy and increased quantities of metals and other substances in use per person. The history of industrial development is full of examples. In 1870, horses and mules were the prime source of power on U.S. farms. One horse or mule was required to support four human beings--a ratio that remained almost constant for many decades. At that time, had a national commission been asked to forecast the horse and mule population for 1970, its answer probably would have depended on whether its consultants were of an economic turn of mind. Had they been "economists", they would have recognized that the power of steam had already been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport. They would have recognized further that would be only a matter of time before steam would be the prime source of power on the farm. It would have been difficult for them to avoid the conclusion that the horse and mule population would decline rapidly.Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a consequence of new technological developments?A.Older technologies die away.B.The quality of life is improved.C.Overall productivity increases.D.More raw materials become necessary.

There have been three periods in the history of post-war broadcast interviewing. The first
, "the age of respect", when it was an honour to have you, the interviewee, on the programme, lasted until the middle 50s. The second, "the age of supremacy", when politicians in particular looked upon the interviewers as rivals who made them feel uncomfortable by their knowledge and rigour of questioning, came to an end at the beginning of this decade. Now we are in "the age of evasion", when most prominent interviewees have acquired the art of seeming to answer a question whilst bypassing its essential thrust.

Why should this be? From the complexity of causes responsible for the present commonplace interview form, a few are worth singling out, such as the revolt against rationality and the worship of feeling in its place. To the young of the 60s, the painstaking search for understanding of a given political problem may have appeared less fruitful and satisfying than the free expression of emotion which the same problem generated. Sooner or later, broadcasting was bound to reflect this.

This bias against understanding has continued. To this we must add the professional causes that have played their part. The convention of the broadcast interview had undergone little change or radical development since its rise in the 50s. When a broadcasting form. ceases to develop, its practitioners tend to take it for granted and are likely to say "how" rather than ask "why".

Furthermore, these partly psychological, partly professional tendencies were greatly accelerated by the huge expansion of news and current affairs output over the last 15 years. When you had many, additional hours of current affairs broadcasting, interviewing turned out to be a far cheaper convention than straight reporting, which is costly in terms of permanent reporters and time preparation. The temptation to combine an expanded news and current affairs service with a relatively small additional financial expense by making the interview happen everywhere proved overwhelming.

To be fair, there are compensating virtues in interviewing, such as immediacy and authority, yet in all honesty I must say that the spread of the interviewing arrangement has led to a corresponding diminution of quality broadcasting.

According to the author, in the past politicians thought that television interviewers ______.

A.knew more about politics than they did

B.should be honoured to meet them

C.really were eager to be politicians too

D.gave them a difficult time in interviews

看资料,回答题 The Impossibility of Rapid Energy Transitions [ A ] Politicians are fond of


The Impossibility of Rapid Energy Transitions

[ A ] Politicians are fond of promising rapid energy transitions.Whether it is a transition from imported to domestic oil or from coal-powered electricity production to natural-gas power plants, politicians love to talk big.Unfortunately for them (and often the taxpayers), our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier: they are unbelievably expensive, they are built to last for a very long time, they have a huge amount of inertia (meaning it takes a lot of energy to set them moving ), and they have a lot of momentum once they are set in motion.No matter how hard you try, you can"t turn something that large on a dime (10美分硬币 ), or even a few thousand dimes.

[ B ] In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems: inertia and momentum.Inertia is the resistance of objects to efforts to change their state of motion.If you try to push a boulder (大圆石 ), it pushes you back.Once you have started the boulder rolling, it develops momentum, which is defined by its mass and velocity.Momentum is said to be "conserved," that is, once you build it up, it has to go somewhere.So a heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot of momentum-that is, once he is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion.If you want to change his course, you have only a few choices: you can stop him, transferring (possibly painfully) some of his kinetic energy (动能) to your own body, or you can approach alongside and slowly apply pressure to gradually alter his course.

[ C ] But there are other kinds of momentum as well.After all, we don"t speak only of objects or people as having momentum; we speak of entire systems having momentum.Whether it"s a sports team or a presidential campaign, everybody relishes having the big momentum, because it makes them harder to stop or change direction.

[ D ] One kind of momentum is technological momentum.When a technology is deployed, its impacts reach far beyond itself.Consider the incandescent (白炽灯的) bulb, an object currently hated by many environmentalists and energy-efficiency advocates.The incandescent light bulb, invented by Thomas Edison, which came to be the symbol of inspiration, has been developed into hundreds, if not thousands, of forms.Today, a visit to a lighting store reveals a stunning array of choices.There are standard-shaped bulbs, flame-shaped bulbs, colored globe-shaped bulbs, and more.It is quite easy, with all that choice, to change a light bulb.

[ E ] But the momentum of incandescent lighting does not stop there.All of those specialized bulbs ledto the building of specialized light fixtures, from the desk lamp you study by, to the ugly but beloved hand-painted Chinese lamp you inherited from your grandmother, to the ceiling fixture in your closet, to the light in your oven or refrigerator, and to the light that the dentist points at you.It is easy to change a light bulb, sure, but it is harder to change the bulb and its fixture.

[ F ] And there is more to the story, because not only are the devices that house incandescent bulbs shaped to their underlying characteristics, but rooms and entire buildings have been designed in accordance with how incandescent lighting reflects off walls and windows.

[ G ] As lighting expert Howard Brandston points out, “ Generally, there are no bad light sources, only bad applications." There are some very commendable characteristics of the CFL [ compact fluorescent (荧光的) light bulb ], yet the selection of any light source remains inseparable from the luminaire (照明装置 ) that houses it, along with the space in which both are installed, and lighting requirements that need to be satisfied.The lamp, the fixture, and the room, all three must work in concert for the true benefits of end-users.If the CFL should be used for lighting a particular space, or an object within that space, the fixture must be designed to work with that lamp, and that fixture with the room.It is a symbiotic (共生的 ) relationship.A CFL cannot be simply installed in an incandescent fixture and then expected to produce a visual appearance that is more than washed out, foggy, and dim.The whole fixture must be replaced-light source and luminaire-and this is never an inexpensive proposition.

[ H ] And Brandston knows a thing or two about lighting, being the man who illuminated the Statue of Liberty.

[ I ]Another type of momentum we have to think about when planning for changes in our energy systems is labor-pool momentum.It is one thing to say that we are going to shift 30 percent of our electricity supply from, say, coal to nuclear power in 20 years.But it is another thing to have a supply of trained talent that could let you carry out this promise.That is because the engineers,designers, regulators, operators, and all of the other skilled people needed for the new energy industry are specialists who have to be trained first (or retrained, if they are the ones being laid off in some related industry), and education, like any other complicated endeavor, takes time.And not only do our prospective new energy workers have to be trained, they have to be trained in the right sequence.One needs the designers, and perhaps the regulators, before the builders and operators, and each group of workers in training has to know there is work waiting beyond graduation.In some cases, colleges and universities might have to change their training programs,

adding another layer of difficulty.

[ J ] By far the biggest type of momentum that comes into play when it comes to changing our energy systems is economic momentum.The major components of our energy systems, such as fuel production, refining, electrical generation and distribution, are costly installations that have lengthy life spans.They have to operate for long periods of time before the costs of development have been recovered.When investors put up money to build, say, a nuclear power plant, they expect to earn that money back over the planned life of the plant, which is typically between 40and 60 years.Some coal power plants in the United States have operated for more than 70 years!

The oldest continuously operated commercial hydro-electric plant in the United States is on New York"s Hudson River, and it went into commercial service in 1898.

[ K ] As Vaclav Smil points out, "All the forecasts, plans, and anticipations cited above have failed so miserably because their authors and promoters thought the transitions they hoped to implement would proceed unlike all previous energy transitions, and that their progress could be accelerated in an unprecedented manner."

[ L ] When you hear people speaking of making a rapid transition toward any type of energy, whether it is a switch from coal to nuclear power, or a switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars, or even a switch.from an incandescent to a fluorescent light, understanding energy system inertia and momentum can help you decide whether their plans are feasible.

Not only moving objects and people but all systems have momentum.


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