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As she()so many times before, she spoke calmly of how the mountains needed to be preserv

As she()so many times before, she spoke calmly of how the mountains needed to be preserv


A.was doing


C.have done

D.had done

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更多“As she()so many times before, …”相关的问题
Understandably Annwas so nervous. After all it was the first time that she ever spoke
before an______ crowd.




D. assembling

Women are also underrepresented in the administration and this is because there are so
few women full professors. In 1985, Regent Beryl Milburn produced a report blasting the University of Texas System administration for not encouraging women. The University was rated among the lowest for the system. In a 1987 update, Milburn commended the progress that was made and called for even more improvement. One of the positive results from her study was a System-wide program to inform. women of available administrative jobs.

College of Communication Associate Dean Patrica Witherspoon said it is important that woman be flexible when it comes to relocating if they want to rise in the ranks. Although a woman may face a chilly climate on campus many times, in order for her to succeed, she must rise above the problems around her and concentrate on her work. Until women make up a greater percentage of the senior positions in the University and all academia, inequities will exist.“Women need to spend their energies and time doing scholarly activities that are important here at the University.” Spirduso said. “If they do that will be successful in this system. If they spend their time in little groups mourning the sexual discrimination that they think exists here, they are wasting valuable study time.”

1.According to Spirduso, women need to ____.

A、spend their energies and time fighting against sexual discrimination

B、call for further improvement in their working conditions

C、spend more time and energy doing scholarly activities

D、produce a report on sexual discrimination

2.From this passage ,we know that _____.

A、there are many women full professors in the University of Texas

B、women play an important part in administrating the University

C、the weather on the campus is chilly

D、women make up a small percentage of the senior positions in the University

3.Which of the following statements is true?

A、the number of women professors was the same as that of 1985

B、the number of women professors in the University in 1987 was smaller than that of 1985

C、the number of women professors in the University in 1987 was greater than that of 1985

D、e and more women professors thought that sexual discrimination did exit in the University

4.One of the positive results from Milburn's study was that _____.

A、women were encouraged to take on all the administrative jobs in the University

B、women were given information about available administrative jobs

C、women were told to concentrate on their work

D、women were encouraged to do more scholarly activities

5.The title for this passage should be _______.

A、The University of Texas

B、Sexual Discrimination in Academia

C、Women Professors

D、Milburn's Report

A nurse and her elderly uncle were waiting for a bus at a corner in downtown Chicago.
Buses came by, but not the one they wanted. The woman finally half-entered one of the buses and asked the driver if the bus she wanted stopped at that corner.The driver ignored her, so she repeated the question. Incredibly, he then closed the door -- on her arm -- and drove off.The woman, her arm stuck in the door, trotted alongside the bus, shouting. Passengers said the driver stopped after almost a block only because they, too, were shouting.When the driver finally did stop and opened the door, the woman jumped on the bus to get his badge number. Then he took off again and went another couple of blocks before other shouting passengers persuaded him to stop and let the woman off.After the driver's bosses at the Chicago Transit Authority--a tax-supported governmental body -- heard of the incident, they looked into it and set his punishment: a five-day suspension without pay. That struck me as rather light.But Bill Baxa, a CTA public-relations man, said, "That's a pretty harsh penalty. "

Five days off work is a harsh penalty for dragging a woman alongside a bus by her arm? Baxa said, "Any time you take money away from someone, it is a harsh punishment. The driver makes $14 an hour. Multiply that by 40 and you can see what he lost. "

Yes, that comes to $560, a tidy sum. But we know that people in the private sector are fired for far less every day. If the people who run the CTA think that the loss of a week's pay is more than enough, I offer them a sporting proposition: Give me a bus. Then have their wives stick their arms in the doorway of the bus, and I'll slam the door shut, stop the gas pedal and take them for a fast one-block jog. And I'll pay $560 to anyone who is bold enough to try it. Any takers? Mr. Baxa? Anybody? I didn't think so.

1.The nurse half-entered one of the buses because____.

A、the bus they wanted didn't stop there

B、she wanted the driver to stop the bus

C、she wanted to get some information from the driver

D、she and her uncle couldn't wait any longer at the corner

2.The reason why the woman trotted alongside the bus was that____.

A、she couldn't get herself away from the bus

B、the driver closed the door before she heard the answer

C、she was dragged by the bus driver

D、she wanted to get the driver's badge number

3.How many blocks was the woman away from the corner where she waited when the bus driver finally let her off? ____

A、Almost one block.

B、Almost two blocks.

C、Probably three blocks.

D、Probably five or six blocks.

4.The bus driver's punishment was____.

A、being dismissed from the CTA

B、being out of work for a week

C、paying a fine of $560

D、working without pay for five days

5.Why did the author offer a sporting proposition? ____

A、Because the CTA paid little attention to the incident.

B、Because the bus driver had not been fired.

C、Because he wanted to threaten the CTA people.

D、Because he thought the penalty was not a harsh on

The greatest change has been in the lives of women. During the twentieth century there h
as been a remarkable shortening of the time of woman's life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have seven or eight children, of whom four or five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman's youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and can be expected to live another thirty years and is likely to take paid work until retirement, at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by modem living conditions.

This important change in women's life pattern has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first chance, and most of them took a full time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen. Many girls stay at school after that age, and though women usually marry younger, more married women stay at least until shortly before their first child is born. Many more afterwards return to fuller part-time job. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money, and running the house, according to the abilities and interests of each of them.

6. According to the passage, around the year 1900 most women married ____.

A. at about twenty-five

B. in their early fifties

C. as soon as possible after they were fifteen

D. at any age from fifteen to forty-five

7. We are told that in a common family in 1890s _____.

A. seven or eight children lived to be more man five

B. many children died before they were five

C. the youngest children would be fifteen

D. four or five children died when they were five

8. When she was over fifty, the late nineteenth century mother ____.

A. would be healthy enough to take paid jobs

B. was usually expected to die fairly soon

C. was unlikely to find a job if she wanted one

D. would expect to work till she died

9. According to the passage, the women of today usually____.

A. marry instead of getting paid work

B. marry before they are twenty-five

C. have more children under fifteen

D. have too few children

10. The best title for this passage is____.

A. Women’s Life

B. The Change of Women's life

C. Women's Marriage

D. Women's New Life

Many doctors are now trained in techniques to lessen tension and stress. Here health pro

fessionals reveal their favorite methods.

Comfort with food. When diet expert Judith Wurtman is stressed out, she does what a lot of people do this time of year: she reaches for food .But in her case, it’s a healthy rice cake or two. “My research suggests that carbohydrates (碳水化合物) raise levels of a brain chemical, which has a calming effect on the entire body,” says the MIT research scientist. “So signs of stress — such as anger, tension, and inability to focus — are eased.”

Run from your problems. Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, who popularized aerobics (有氧运动) through his1968 book by that name, handles his own stress with a daily after-work run. He knows that physical activity reduces anxiety and depression. “Aerobic exercise is the best way to dissipate stress,”says Cooper.

Look to the light side. On his way to the hospital where his father was to have surgery Joel Goodman shared a hotel bus with anxious relatives of several patients. The driver began telling his stressed-out passengers a few jokes. “Then he did some magic tricks that had my mother and me laughing.” Goodman says. “In that five-minute ride he taught us that humor can lessen our stress.”

The surgery was successful, and Goodman was so moved by his experience that he researched laughter’s power. “A good laugh relaxes muscles, reduces blood pressure, restrains stress-related hormones and enhances the immune system (免疫系统),” he says.

Go green. Coffee, loaded with hidden sources of caffeine, stimulates (刺激) the nervous system and can make you feel stressed more easily. That’s why Arizona Doctor Andrew Weil, author of best seller Spontaneous Healing, does not take caffeine. “When I want gentle energy, I drink green tea. It contains a caffeine-like element”, Weil says. It also contains compounds that, some studies suggest, have anti-cancer effects.

16. The following are ways to free you from stress EXCEPT__________.

A. looking at things in a more relaxed way

B. getting a lot of sleep during the day

C. eating some food with carbohydrates

D. doing some aerobic exercise

17. Eating or drinking the following can be helpful in freeing you from stress EXCEPT________.

A. drink green tea B. eat some bread

C. eat some rice cake D. drink a lot of coffee

18. A good laugh is very helpful EXCEPT to__________.

A. reduce blood pressure B. restrain stress-related hormones

C. enhance the immune system D. take a holiday

19. What is the meaning of the word “dissipate” in the part “Rum from your problems”?

A. lessen. B. Depress. C. Disturb. D. Level.

20. Which of the following group of people can have a happier life, according to passage?

A. Those who are continuously eating something.

B. Those who are always engaged in working.

C. Those who use right methods to reduce tension.

D. Those who study medicine or psychology.

A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when
the plane just took off. She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.

The air hostess was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up to take his medicine. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's ring for service sounded, she hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused.

In the following hours on the plane, each time the air hostess passed by the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never answered a word.

When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers' booklet. She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, but with a smile she handed it to him.

Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and smiled, for the passenger put it. “On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your twelve sincere smiles?”

That's right! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?


A passenger wants a cup of water because he is thirsty.

The air hostess forgot to give him the water on purpose.

The passenger refused the cup of water.

The passenger didn't write down any sharp words.

This passage tells us that a sincere smile is of no use.

In the world, soccer or football is the most popular sport. This is because many countri

es have wonderful teams for the World Cup. The World Cup is held every four years.

To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup, children from different countries and more than 60 children from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called "Dream World Cups" in Japan. The children drew animals, flowers and people playing soccer under a blue bright sky. They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags of all the countries that will take part in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football teams will have games there.

Are you a football fan?The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football. Teenagers like playing and watching football. Many of them love some football stars so much that they get the pictures of their favourite players on the walls of their rooms. That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan.

21. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, she must have many football players.


22. The next World Cup will be held in 2006.


23. From the passage, in the picture children drew many things except pictures of some football stars.


24. In "Dream World Cup", the children drew the flags of some countries to tell the people their stories.


25. Many teenagers own the pictures of some football stars because they are football fans.


Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.My favorite beach is called Emers

Every year we go to Florida.We like to go to the beach.

My favorite beach is called Emerson Beach.It is very long, with soft sand and palm trees.It is very beautiful.I like to make sandcastles and watch the sailboats go by.Sometimes there are dolphins and whales in the water!

Every morning we look for shells in the sand.I found fifteen big shells last year.I put them in a special place in my room.This year I want to learn to surf.It is hard to surf, but so much fun! My sister is a good surfer.She says that she can teach me.I hope I can do it!

1.My favorite beach is...()

A.Surf Beach

B.Emerson Beach

C.Palm Beach

D. Long Beach

2.What animals do I see in the water?()




D. Dogs

3.How many shells did I find last year? ()




D. Fifteen

4.What do I want to learn this year?()




D. How to find shells

5.Where did I put my shells last year?()

A.In a box

B.In the garage

C.In my room

D. In Florida

One day when I was 15 years old, I had some friends over to hang out. While we were ma
king food in the kitchen, my brother came in. He placed his beef next to my (1) one and said, “Courtney, your beef is bigger than mine. You don’t need to(2); you’re already fat enough.” Then he walked out laughing.

Unpleasant(3)on my physical appearance were nothing new. Something inside me gave in to his idea that my legs were(4), and that became the last day that I ever willingly wore(5)until I was 30 years old. For the next 15 years, I spent summer after summer(6)in long pants.

But then I met Ragen Chastain, and she(7)everything. I couldn’t believe that this woman who, like myself, weighed almost 300 pounds was so(8)and happy in her own skin. I(9)as she shared her own journey to recovery and self-love. She talked about how amazing our(10)are, simply because of the things they do every day—like breathing, (11)blood to every cell, blinking and walking.

Walking! I was suddenly(12)how foolish I’d been for so long. There’re people who are born without legs, or who lack(13)working legs, or who lose their legs, and I’d been hiding my perfectly strong, healthy, beautiful legs(14) because I had (15) someone to convince me that they weren’t good enough. The next day, I bought three pairs of shorts and a sundress and spent the entire summer letting my legs(16) the sun and feel the breeze.

The next time anyone comments on your body in a(17)way, look them straight in the eye, smile and say, “If what you see(18) you so much, feel free to practice the ancient art of looking (19)else.” That’s Ragen’s own(20) , but I don’t think she’ll mind if you use it.













































(12)A.afraid of

B.absorbed in

C.anxious about

D.aware of





(14)A.in delight

B.in shame

C.in panic

D.in pride

























Four months ago Mrs. B. ordered a rug from a store which promised to deliver it in abo
ut two weeks. Three weeks passed, but the rug did not arrive. When Mrs. B. telephoned the store to ask about it, she was told that the rug had been lost and that the store would send her another.Weeks later, when Mrs. B. telephoned again, the store claimed that the second rug had been delivered and left on her front porch. She didn't believe this story, as she had been at home as usual, and her door bell was in good working order. However, the store promised her that a third rug would be delivered within a week. It wasn't. What could she do? How could she get action?

Mrs. B. did what many other Americans have done--with excellent results. She wrote a letter to the newspaper in her town, explaining her problem. A few days later her letter appeared in the newspaper, and this sentence was printed below it:

The store found a way to safely deliver your rug immediately after hearing from us.In this age of machines, it is often hard to get action from businesses that have made mistakes. An individual person can complain, but his complaints may accomplish nothing. Luckily, newspapers now employ people to help with such problems, and the results are published in a special section of the paper.Mrs. B's letter appeared in a column called MR. FIX-IT. During the same week the following letter from Mrs. J. was printed in the ACTION LINE column of another newspaper

"Many weeks ago I bought some living room furniture from the House and Garden Shop in Parkersville. They have set three delivery dates, and each time I had to stay home from work and wait for the truck, which never came. I have called the store at least fifteen times, and each time they have said they would look for the furniture. This has been going on for two months. I guess they are still looking. " The ACTION LINE writer's reply was printed below Mrs. J's letter: "They found it. Action Line made one telephone call to the president of the company, who told us: 'the customer will get satisfaction. ' The furniture was found, and it arrived at your home yesterday."

1.How long was it after Mrs. B. called the store again that she wrote to the local newspaper? ____

A、Three weeks

B、Two weeks

C、About a week

D、Four months

2.The phrase "to get action" last line, 2nd paragraph means ____.

A、to get the store to deliver the rug

B、to find the rug that has been misdelivered

C、to cancel the order from the store

D、to quarrel with the store manager

3.The passage points out that in the machine age people's complaints usually____.

A、bring about mistakes

B、prove useless

C、cause more serious trouble

D、prove effective

4.After writing to the newspaper, ____.

A、Mrs. B found her rug

B、Mrs. B had to wait for another several weeks

C、Mrs. B's problem remained unsolved

D、Mrs. B's problem was solved very soon

5.In the last paragraph, the sentence "The customer will get satisfaction" means____

A、Mrs. J. will get what she wants

B、Mrs. J. will be paid for her loss

C、Mrs. J. will get better furniture

D、Mrs. J. will find that she was mistaken

Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American
families have one or two parents and one or two children each. Children in the US will leave their parents ’ home when they grow up. They usually live far from their parents because they want to find good jobs. They often write to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visit their parents on holiday. Parents usually let their children choose their own jobs. Americans think it important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves. Children are asked to do some work around their house. And in many families, children are paid for doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own use.

1.The size of most American families is() that of other countries.

A、larger than

B、smaller than

C、as big as

D、as small as

2.When children grow up, they leave their parents’ home to()

A、get married

B、be free

C、find good jobs


3.They visit their parents()

A、on weekdays

B、on weekends

C、at any time

D、on holiday

4.Which of the following statements is WRONG()

A、Children have the freedom to choose their own job

B、Parents don't ask their children to do the housework.

C、Parents think it important for children to make their own decision.

D、When children grow up, they usually live far away from their home.

5.Some parents pay their children for doing housework because ()

A、children can learn how to make money for themselves

B、their children required them to do so

C、they are rich

D、it is required by law

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