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He earns extra money ____________ doing some translation work





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更多“He earns extra money _________…”相关的问题
It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure what tax ought to be paid to the gove
rnment because it depends on so many different things: whether the man is married; how many children he has; whether he supports any relations; how much he earns; how much interest he receives; how much he has spent on his house during the year, and so on and so forth.All this makes it difficult to decide exactly how much the tax is.

There was a certain artist who was always very careful to pay the proper amount.

One year, after posting his check as usual, he began to wonder if he had paid enough, and after a lot of work, with a pencil and paper, he decided that he had not.He believed that he owed the government something.

He was just writing another check to send to the tax-collector when the postman dropped a letter into the box at the front door.Opening it, the artist was surprised to find inside it a check for five pounds from the tax-collector.The official explained that too much had been paid, and that therefore the difference was now returned to the taxpayer.

21.It is mentioned in the passage that one has to pay tax according to().

A.how much education one has received

B.whether one is single or married

C.how old one's children are

22.The underlined word "proper" in the second paragraph means().




23.After a lot of work, the artist thought that he had paid the government()

A.less tax than he should have

B.more tax than he should have

C.as much tax as usual

24.What did the artist receive()

A.A check from the bank clerk.

B.A check from the tax-collector.

C.A gift from the tax-collector.

25.Why did that tax-collector send a letter to the artist()

A.To send him a new tax form.

B.To return the money over-paid.

C.To remind him of paying the tax.

He was so poor as to beg _____ some money _____ passers-by.





While()money, he had worked very long hours.


B.she was raising


D.to raise

He mortgaged his house and _____ shop with the money from that.

A.set to

B.set off

C.set up

D.set out

Paying Your WayThere were red faces at one of Britain's biggest banks recently. They
Paying Your Way

There were red faces at one of Britain's biggest banks recently. They had accepted a telephone order to buy £ 100,000 worth of shares from a fifteen-year-old schoolboy (they thought he was twenty-one. The shares fell in value and the schoolboy was unable to pay up. The bank lost £ 20,000 on the deal which it cannot get back because, for one thing, this young speculator does not have the money and, for another, being under eighteen, he is not legally liable for his debts. If the shares had risen in value by the same amount that they fell, he would have pocketed £ 20,000 profit. Not bad for a fifteen-year-old. It certainly is better than delivering the morning newspaper. In another recent case, a boy of fourteen found, in his grandmother's house, a suitcase full of foreign banknotes. The clean, crisp, banknotes looked very convincing but they were now not used in their country of origin or anywhere else. This young boy headed straight to the nearest bank with his pockets filled with notes. The cashiers did not realise that the country in question had reduced the value of its currency by 90%. They exchanged the notes at their face value at the current exchange rate. In three days, before he was found out, he took £ 200,000 from nine different banks. Amazingly, he had already spent more than half of this on taxi- rides, restaurant meals, concert tickets and presents for his many new girlfriends (at least he was generous!) before the police caught up with him. Because he is also under eighteen the banks have kissed goodbye to a lot of money, and several cashiers have lost their jobs.Should we admire these youngsters for being enterprising and showing initiative or condemn them for their dishonesty? Maybe they had managed for years with tiny amounts of pocket money that they got from tight-listed parents. Maybe they had done Saturday jobs for peanuts. It is hardly surprising, given the expensive things that young people want to buy, such as fashionable running shoes and computer games, if they sometimes think up more imaginative ways of making money than delivering newspapers and baby-sitting. These lads saw the chance to make a lot of money and took it.Another recent story which should give us food for thought is the case of the man who paid his six-year-old daughter £ 300 a week pocket money. He then charged her for the food she ate and for her share of the rent and household bills. After paying for all this, she was left with a few coins for her piggy bank.. "She will soon learn the value of money," he said. "There's no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has to be paid for and the sooner she learns that the better." At the other extreme there are fond parents who provide free bed and board for their grown-up children. While even the most hard-hearted parents might hesitate to throw their children out on the streets, we all know of people in their late twenties who still shamelessly live off their parents. Surely there comes a time when every- one has to leave the parental nest, look after themselves and pay their own way in life. But when is it?

1.One of Britain's biggest banks recently ____

A、received a telephone order to buy shares for a twenty-one year old

B、lost a lot of money because the shares they bought fell in value

C、bought quite a lot of shares for a customer and caused him to lose money

D、lost money as its young customer did not have the money to pay his debts

2.According to the passage, the young customer would have ____

A、earned £ 20,000, if the shares had gone up in value by the same amount they fell

B、paid his debts, if he had had the money to do so

C、continued to cheat banks, if he had not been found out

D、to go to prison, if he did not pay the money back

3.The writer's attitude to the example of the two boys who cheated the banks is ____





4.The reason why the man paid his daughter £300 a week pocket money and then required her to pay for her living expenses was that he wanted her to learn ____

A、to bear the hardships of life

B、how to live comfortably on her own pocket money

C、the value of money

D、how to save money

5.It can be concluded from the article that the writer believes that ____

A、parents should give more pocket money to their children

B、children should leave the parental nest as soon as possible

C、grown-up children should support themselves

D、children should learn to be economical









Draw indifference curves that represent the following individuals ’preferences for hamburgers and soft drinks. Indicate the direction in which the individuals' satisfaction (or utility) is increasing.

a. Joe has convex indifference curves and dislikes both hamburgers and soft drinks

b. Jane loves hamburgers and dislikes soft drinks. If she is served a soft drink, she will pour it

down the drain rather than drink iT.

c. Bob loves hamburgers and dislikes soft drinks. If he is served a soft drink, he will drink it to be polite.

d. Molly loves hamburgers and soft drinks, but insists on consuming exactly one soft drink for every two hamburgers that she eats.

e. Bill likes hamburgers, but neither likes nor dislikes soft drinks.

f. Mary always gets twice as much satisfaction from an extra hamburger as she does from an extra soft drink.

Your body, which has close relations A-31 the food you eat, is the most important thing
you own, so it needs proper A-32and proper nourishment (营养). The old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctorA-33” is not as silly as some people think.

The body needs A-34 and vegetables because they contain vitamin C. Many people take extra vitamins A-35 pill form, believing that these will make them healthy.

But a good A-36 is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need. The body doesn’t need or use extra vitamins, A-37 why waste money on them?

In the modern western world, many people are A-38 busy to bother about eating properly. They throw anything into their stomachs, eating hurriedly and A-39. The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating _A-40 is frightening.

31.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





32.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





33.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





34.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





35.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





36.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





37.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





38.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





39.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





40.Which one is the best to fill in the blank?





Have you ever felt your mind getting confused after a sleepless night? You couldn’t co
Have you ever felt your mind getting confused after a sleepless night? You couldn’t come up with an original thought no matter how hard you tried.

You were probably right if you thought that was caused by a lack of sleep.Dr.Home, a sleep researcher in England, studied 24 college students.One group got their normal eight hours of sleep.The other group didn’t get the smallest amount of sleep — they stayed awake all night.The next day, Dr.Home tested the students.He asked them questions that required creative and original thinking.One of the questions was “How many uses can a cardboard box be put to?”

The results? The wide-awake students did well on the tests.The tired students did poorly.

Research has already shown that tired people can do okay on tests of routine thinking, like simple addition.But Dr.Home tested creative thinking only.

As part of his study, he offered an amount of money as a reward to the sleepy students if they did well.But even this encouragement wasn’t enough to help the students overcome their tiredness.They still did poorly.Dr.Home believes that the cerebral cortex — the part of the brain where thinking takes place — may get worn out during waking hours.Sleep may help to repair the brain overnight.Without any sleep, he emphasizes, “even if you concentrate harder, you cannot do better.”

This study gives people something to think about, especially people like hospital workers and airline pilots, who must stay awake all night and then make emergency decisions.

36.According to the passage, the confusion of your mind is possibly due to _____.

A.the lack of sleep

B.the difficult question

C.the requirement of your creative thinking

D.the requirement of your original thinking

37.Tired people can do everything EXCEPT_____.

A.doing simple addition

B.doing okay on tests of routine thinking

C.answering the creative question well

D.telling other people their names

38.The purpose for Dr.Home to offer a lot of money to the sleepy students is to _____.

A.help them repair their brains

B.stimulate their interests of the question

C.buy some medicine which can make them exciting

D.encourage them to do better

39.Who might be better instructed in their work after reading this passage?





40.We can learn from the passage that _____.

A.a foolish man with good sleep may answer creative question well

B.a pilot should fly the aircraft after having good sleep

C.enough sleep is good for your emergency decisions

D.both B and C

In the United States many have been told that anyone can become rich and successful if
he works hard and has some good luck.

Yet, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it.And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is.That is what “keeping up with the Joneses” is about.It is the story of someone who tries to look as rich and as successful as his neighbors.

The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American by the name of Arthur Momand.He told this story about himself: he began earning $125 a week at the age of 23.That was a lot of money in those days.Young Momand was very proud of his riches.He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City.But just moving there was not enough.When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horse riding every day.When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.

It was like a race, but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up.Momand and his wife could not do that.

The race ended for them when they could no longer pay for their new way of life.They left their wealthy neighborhood and moved back to an apartment in New York City.

Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with their neighbors.He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories.He called it “keeping up with the Joneses”, because “Jones” is a very common name in the United States.“Keeping up with the Joneses” came to mean keeping up with the people around you.Momand’s series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.

Every city has an area where people want to live because others will think better of them if they do.And there are “Joneses” in every city of the world.But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses, because no matter what one does, Mr.Jones always seems to be ahead.

1.The writer of the selection believes ().

A.anyone in the United States can become rich

B.anyone in the United Sates can become rich if he works hard and has some good luck

C.he can become rich in the future

D.many people in the United States think anyone can become rich if he works hard and has some good luck

2.Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because ().

A.they want to be as rich as their neighbors

B.they want to be happy

C.they don’t want others to know they are rich

D.they want others to know or to think that they are rich

3.It can be inferred from the story that rich people ().

A.like to live in apartments

B.like to live in New York City

C.like to live outside New York City

D.like to have many neighbors

4.Arthur Momand used the name “Jones” in his series of short stories because Jones is ().

A.an important name

B.his neighbor’s name

C.a popular name in the United States

D.not a good name

5.According to the writer, it is ().

A.correct to keep up with the Joneses

B.interesting to keep up with the Joneses

C.impossible to keep up with the Joneses

D.good to keep up with the Joneses

A nurse and her elderly uncle were waiting for a bus at a corner in downtown Chicago.
Buses came by, but not the one they wanted. The woman finally half-entered one of the buses and asked the driver if the bus she wanted stopped at that corner.The driver ignored her, so she repeated the question. Incredibly, he then closed the door -- on her arm -- and drove off.The woman, her arm stuck in the door, trotted alongside the bus, shouting. Passengers said the driver stopped after almost a block only because they, too, were shouting.When the driver finally did stop and opened the door, the woman jumped on the bus to get his badge number. Then he took off again and went another couple of blocks before other shouting passengers persuaded him to stop and let the woman off.After the driver's bosses at the Chicago Transit Authority--a tax-supported governmental body -- heard of the incident, they looked into it and set his punishment: a five-day suspension without pay. That struck me as rather light.But Bill Baxa, a CTA public-relations man, said, "That's a pretty harsh penalty. "

Five days off work is a harsh penalty for dragging a woman alongside a bus by her arm? Baxa said, "Any time you take money away from someone, it is a harsh punishment. The driver makes $14 an hour. Multiply that by 40 and you can see what he lost. "

Yes, that comes to $560, a tidy sum. But we know that people in the private sector are fired for far less every day. If the people who run the CTA think that the loss of a week's pay is more than enough, I offer them a sporting proposition: Give me a bus. Then have their wives stick their arms in the doorway of the bus, and I'll slam the door shut, stop the gas pedal and take them for a fast one-block jog. And I'll pay $560 to anyone who is bold enough to try it. Any takers? Mr. Baxa? Anybody? I didn't think so.

1.The nurse half-entered one of the buses because____.

A、the bus they wanted didn't stop there

B、she wanted the driver to stop the bus

C、she wanted to get some information from the driver

D、she and her uncle couldn't wait any longer at the corner

2.The reason why the woman trotted alongside the bus was that____.

A、she couldn't get herself away from the bus

B、the driver closed the door before she heard the answer

C、she was dragged by the bus driver

D、she wanted to get the driver's badge number

3.How many blocks was the woman away from the corner where she waited when the bus driver finally let her off? ____

A、Almost one block.

B、Almost two blocks.

C、Probably three blocks.

D、Probably five or six blocks.

4.The bus driver's punishment was____.

A、being dismissed from the CTA

B、being out of work for a week

C、paying a fine of $560

D、working without pay for five days

5.Why did the author offer a sporting proposition? ____

A、Because the CTA paid little attention to the incident.

B、Because the bus driver had not been fired.

C、Because he wanted to threaten the CTA people.

D、Because he thought the penalty was not a harsh on

Breakage is a special risk, for which an extra premium will have to be ____.





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