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Try to () every opportunity to practice English.





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更多“Try to () every opportunity to…”相关的问题
There are two general approaches to attacking a ()encryption scheme.The first attack is k
nown as cryptanalysis.Cryptanalytic attacks rely on the nature of the algorithm plus perhaps some knowledge of the general characteristics of the () or even some sample plaintext-ciphertext pairs. This type of () exploits the characteristics of the algorithm to attempt to deduce a specific plaintext or to deduce the key being used. If the attack succeeds in deducing the key, the effect is catastrophic: All future and past messages encrypted with that key are compromised. The second method, known as the ()-force attack, is to try every possible key on a piece of () until an intelligible translation into plaintext is obtained. On average, half of all possible keys must be tried to achieve success.

A.stream B.symmetric C.asymmetric D.advancedA.operation B.publication C.plaintext D.ciphertextA.message B.knowledge C.algorithm D.attackA.brute B.perfect C.atribue D.re searchA.plaintext B.ciphertext C.sample D.code

The Turing machine is an abstract(71)of computer execution and storage introduced in 1936

The Turing machine is an abstract(71)of computer execution and storage introduced in 1936 by Alan Turing to give a mathematically precise definition of(72). or 'mechanical procedure'. As such it is still widely used in theoretical computer science, especially in(73)theory and the theory of computation. The thesis that states that Turing machines indeed capture the informal notion of effective or mechanical method in logic and mathematics is known as Turing's thesis.

Every Turing machine computes a certain(74)partial function over the strings over its alphabet. In that sense it behaves like a computer with a fixed program. However, as Alan luring already described, we can encode the action table of every Turing machine in a string. Thus we might try to construct a Turing machine that expects on its tape a string describing an action table followed by a string describing the input tape, and then computes the tape that the encoded Turing machine would have computed. As Turing showed, such a luring machine is indeed possible and since it is able to simulate any other Turing machine it is called a(75)Turing machine.

A universal Turing machine is Turing complete. It can calculate any recursive function, decide any recursive language, and accept any recursively enumerable language. According to the Church-Turing thesis, the problems solvable by a universal Turing machine are exactly those problems solvable by an algorithm or an effective method of computation, for any reasonable definition of those terms.





Many 1anguage learners fail to realize that when they listen to their native Language th

ey do not actually hear every word.They also fail to understand that they integrate their knowledge about language with their experience and knowledge of such things as topic and culture, and do not need to hear to hear every word. This means that learners Often have unrealistic expectations and try to understand each word Of a listening text. As some experts point 0ut,“such total comprehension…is a misconception 0f how normal comprehension works in the native language.” Learners’anxiety may get worse when a classroom procedure does not provide adequate context for the text Or prepare the topic by activating their prior knowledge;in Other words,a procedure which asks students to“Listen to the text and then answer the questions.” This tests listening ability rather than aiming to teach it.Adults returning to English language learning whose earlier experiences have been of this nature may have developed negatlve perceptions 0f their ability as 1isteners and a maior task for the teacher will be to build confidence. This means recognizing anxiety and a major tasking care to provide positive classroom experiences.For example,the teacher needs to make sure that the pace and length of a 1istening activity is not too taxing as the concentration required in trying to cornprehend unfamliliar sounds can be tiring.

21.When they comprehend their native language by 1istening,many language learners tend to think that they_____

A.need to hear every word

B.have linguistic knowledge

C.know the culture very well

D.have some existing experience

22.According to the passage,foreign language learning depends very much upon_____.

A.native lauguage competence

B.ability to concentrate

C.experience and knowledge

D.personal preference

23.This passage is mainly about _______.





24.The language teacher should _______.

A.develop negative perceptions Of students’ability

B.activate the prior knowledge students have

C.refer t0 the past experience 0f adult 1earners

D.help students understand their native 1anguage first

25.The word “taxing” in the last sentence probably means





Exercise is good for you, but most people really know very little about how to exercis
e properly.So when you try, you can run into trouble.

Many people 11 that when specific muscles are exercised, the fat in the neighboring area is “burned up”.Yet the 12 is that exercise burns fat from all over the body.

Studies show muscles which are not 13 lose their strength very quickly.To regain it needs 48 to 72 hours and exercise every other day will keep a normal level of physical strength.

To 14 weight you should always "work up a good sweat" when exercising.No sweating only 15 body temperature to prevent over heating.This is nothing but water loss.16 you replace the liquid, you replace the weight.

Walking is the best and easy-to-do exercise.It helps the circulation of blood 17 the body, and has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health.Experience says that 20 minutes a day is 18 amount,

19 your breathing doesn't return to normal state within minutes after you finish exercising, you've done 20




















D.keeps up













19.A.But if



D.And if



C.too much

D.much too

Fed was a consultant(咨询师)and Guido a wine maker. They started their gelato (意式冰激凌)
business with no food industry experience. "We wanted to make the best gelato in the world and we didn't know how to make any gelato!" Fed recalls. That did not stop them though and the business has become more and more successful.

The word gelato means "frozen" originally. Since ancient Rome, people have been enjoying cold desserts. Many think gelato is just an Italian name for ice cream. But actually it is a different product. According to Fed and Guido, the difference between ice cream and gelato is the amount of fat in the product. In ice cream you have an average of 17-18% of fat, but with Italian gelato you have 10%.

It was Guido who first came up with the idea. He thought that if they got the best materials, they could make top quality gelato. Fed then put a business plan together and the two decided to go for it. The only rule they had when they started out was to stick to their guiding principle—to try to create the world's best gelato. Their efforts paid off. Sales of their gelato have doubled in Italy every year since 2008. It outpaced (超过)the growth of every other type of iced dessert by some way. The company grows from two employees in 2003 to nearly 700 employees today.

According to a market analysis, Italians' love for gelato will last for the next few years. These two will be happy to learn the news.


It can be learned from the first paragraph that Fed and Guido_____.

A、used to be wine makers

B、knew how to make gelato

C、had no experience in food industry

D、planned to create a new dessert


Paragraph 2 tells us that_____.

A、Fed and Guido invented gelato

B、Italians prefer gelato to ice cream

C、gelato is the world's best dessert

D、gelato has less fat than ice cream


The guiding principle Fed and Guido followed is_____.

A、using secret materials

B、sticking to their business plan

C、making top quality gelato

D、hiring the best employees


Since 2008, the sales of Fed and Guido’s gelato have_____.

A、remained the same

B、reached record high

C、grown as fast as other desserts

D、increased steadily


Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A、the World’s Best Gelato

B、Italians' Love for Gelato

C、The History of Gelato

D、Gelato Shops in Italy

OPPO Reno的广告定位的是()。





Kaleil Isaza Tuzman moved to the United States from Columbia when he was 15.Within a f
ew years he was pushing to get ahead, hawking (叫卖) baseball caps to pay the bills his Harvard scholarship didn't cover.

After graduating, he landed on Wall Street, but every night he dreamed of working for himself.During the booming (繁荣的) 1990s, he gave it a try when he and a partner started govWorks - a software company that helped city government go online.

They raised $60 million and expanded like crazy.Then dotcoms started turning into dotbombs - govWorks broke up too.Says Isaza Tuzman, "Entrepreneurs (创业人) have to be ready for both success and failure.In Columbia if you fail, you become a pariah and no one will do business with you.The wonderful thing about this country is you can get up again."

From national parks to moon landings, America has given the world some amazing ideas.But the American Dream is still the biggest - the idea that with hard work and a bit of luck you can be whoever you want to be.Historian James Truslow Adams once wrote that Americans believe "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement."

These days there's pressure on the dream idea.A 1978 study of boys born and raised after World War II found an astonishing 23% of the poorest had reached the top of the income heap by 1973.Now, in a typical generation, only 10% work their way from bottom to top.

But every day, some still do make it.After govWorks went bankrupt, Isaza Tuzman built on what he had learned.His new company, Recognition Group, restructures (重组) firms and finds them venture capital?–?nearly $150 million so far.Last year, "Hispanic Business" magazine named him to its 100 Most Influential list.Not bad for a dreamer, in a country built on dreams.

41.What did Kaleil Isaza Tuzman dream of after graduating from college______

A.Working in the Wall Street stock market.

B.Starting a business of his own.

C.Climbing to the top of society.

D.Entering the IT industry.

42.The word "pariah" in " if you fail, you become a pariah" (Line 3,Para.3) most likely means "________."

A.a person who has no future

B.a person to be pitied

C.a person to be condemned

D.a person to be avoided

43.What does the author mean by the American Dream______

A.Everyone can reach the top of the social ladder.

B.People will have a better, richer, and fuller life than their parents.

C.A lucky poor boy can move to the top if he works hard.

D.Everyone enjoys equal opportunity and share in the wealth.

44.Which of the following statements is true of the American Dream these days______

A.It is becoming more and more difficult for one to work their way from the bottom to the top.

B.More and more people are feeling the pressure to work harder in order to realize their dreams.

C.It is becoming more and more unpopular because few people today can move up the social ladder.

D.If one works hard enough, he will eventually make his dreams come true.

45.To Kaleil Isaza Tuzman, the wonderful thing about America is that ________.

A.there is equal opportunity for everyone

B.everyone can get rich if they work hard

C.you can get capital if you want to start a business

D.you can start all over again after failure

A foreigner.s first impression of the U.S. is likely to be that everyone is in a rush

- often under pressure. City people appear always to be hurrying to get where they are going restlessly, seeking attention in a store, and elbowing others as they try to complete their errands (任务). Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Working time is considered precious. Others in public eating places are waiting for you to finish so that they too can be served and get back to work within the time allowed. Each person hurries to make room for the next person. If you don.t, waiters will hurry you. You also find drivers will be abrupt and that people will push past you. You will miss smiles, brief conversations, and small courtesies with strangers. Don.t take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else "wasting"it beyond a certain courtesy point. The view of time affects the importance we attach to patience. In the American system of values, patience is not a high priority. Many of us have what might be called "a short fuse." We begin to move restlessly about if we feel time is slipping away without some return - be this in terms of pleasure, work value, or rest. Those coming from lands where time is looked upon differently may find this matter of pace to be one of their most difficult adjustments in both business and daily life. Many newcomers to the States will miss the opening courtesy of a business call, for example, they will miss the ritual socializing that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be traditional in their own country. They may miss leisurely business chats in a café or coffeehouse. Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over prolonged small talks. We seek out evidence of past performance rather than evaluate a business colleague through social courtesies. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly.

1.Which of the following statements is wrong? ___________

A.Americans seem to be always under pressure

B.Americans attach less importance to patience

C.Americans don.t care much about ritual socializing

D.Americans are impolite to their business colleagues

2.In the fourth paragraph, "a high priority"means ___________.

A.a less important thing

B.a first concern

C.a good business

D.an attractive gift

3.Americans evaluate a business colleague ________.

A.through social courtesy

B.through prolonged business talks

C.by establishing business relations

D.by learning about their past performance

4.This passage mainly talks about __________.

A.how Americans treasure their time

B. how busy Americans are every day

C.how Americans do business with foreigners

D. what American way of life is like

5.We can infer from the passage that the author.s tone in writing is ________.





Because certainty is a threat to an organization's effectiveness, managers try to
When the time finally came ()me to have a try, I was very nervous.










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