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One could say that Fayol was interested in studying macro management issues, whereas T

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Colors are sometimes called hot,cold,or neutral(中性). Red and yellow are said to be hot
colors because they make a room feel warmer and the walls nearer to us than they really are. We say that blue and green are cold because they give us the opposite feeling. A neutral color is one that does not seem to affect our feelings. Brown and grey are both neutral,and they may also be mixed with hot or cold colors to reduce their effect on our feelings.

We can begin to see the importance of color selection. Although red might be perfect for a restaurant,it would be wrong for an art exhibition room,where we want to look at the paintings,not at the walls behind. Because of its effect on size,white could be used to make a small room seem larger,or dark blue to make a large one seem smaller.

Another way that we sometimes speak of colors is to say that they are loud or quiet. Again we are talking about the feeling that colors give us. We use sound to express how much colors catch our attention.

16. If a man wants to make a room warmer,which color will he choose for the walls?

A. Green.

B. Yellow.

C. Black.

D. Brown

17. Which color can be used with blue to reduce its effect on our feelings?

A. Yellow

B. Red

C. Grey.

D. Green.

18. According to the second paragraph,red is most suitable for _____________.

A. restaurants

B. paintings

C. an exhibition room

D. the walls in a

living room

19. People would paint a small room into white because ____________.

A. white makes a room brighter

B. white makes a room prettier

C. a room seems larger in white

D. a room seems smaller it white

20. “Loud” and “quiet” colors give people ____________.

A. the cooler feelings

B. the opposite feelings

C. the warmer feelings

D. the similar feelings

Danielle Steel,the 71-year-old romance novelist is notoriously productive,having publi
shed 179 booksat a rate of up to seven a year.But a passing reference in a recent profile by Glamour magazine to her 20-hour workdays prompted an outpouring of admiration.

Steel has given that 20-hour figure when describing her“exhausting”process in the past:“I start thebook and don 't leave my desk until the first draft is finished.”She goes from bed,to desk,to bath,tobed,avoiding all contact aside from phone calls with her nine children."I don 't comb my hair for weeks,”she says.Meals are brought to her desk,where she types until her fingers swell and her nails bleed.The business news website Quartz held Steel up as an inspiration,writing that if only we all followedher“actually extremely liberating"example of industrious sleeplessness,we would be quick to see results.well,indeed.With research results showing the cumulative effects of sleep loss and its impact onproductivity,doubt has been voiced about the accuracy of Steel's self-assessment.Her output may beundeniable,but sceptics have suggested that she is guilty of erasing the role of ghostwriters (代笔人) atworst,gross exaggeration at best.

Steel says working 20 hours a day is “pretty brutal physically.”But is it even possible?“No,”saysMaryanne Taylor of the Sleep Works. While you could work that long,the impact on productivity wouldmake it hardly worthwhile. If Steel was routinely sleeping for four hours a night,she would be drasticallyunderestimating the negative impact,says Alison Gardiner,founder of the sleep improvement programmeSleepstation.“It's akin to being drunk.”

lt's possible that Steel is exaggerating the demands of her schedule. Self-imposed sleeplessness has“become a bit of a status symbol", says Taylor, a misguided measure to prove how powerful and productive you are.Margaret Thatcher was also said to get by on four hours a night,while the 130-hour work weeksendured by tech heads has been held up as key to their success.

That is starting to change with increased awareness of the importance of sleep for mental health.“People are starting to realise that sleep should not be something that you fit in between everything else,"says Taylor .

But it is possible—if statistically extremely unlikely—that Steel could be born a “short sleeper”withan unusual body clock,says sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock." It's probably present in fewer than 1% ofthe population.”

Even if Steel does happen to be among that tiny minority,says Bostock,it's “pretty irresponsible”tosuggest that 20-hour days are simply a question of discipline for the rest of us.

46. What do we learn from the passage about Glamour magazine readers?

A) They are intrigued by the exotic romance in Danielle Steel's novels.

B)They are amazed by the number of books written by Danielle Steel.

C)They are deeply impressed by Danielle Steel's daily work schedule.

D)They are highly motivated by Danielle Steel's unusual productivity.47. What did the business news website Quartz say about Danielle Steel?

A) She could serve as an example of industriousness.

B) She proved we could liberate ourselves from sleep.

C) She could be an inspiration to novelists all over the world.

D) She showed we could get all our work done without sleep.48. What do sceptics think of Danielle Steel's work schedule claims?

A) They are questionable.

CThey are irresistible.

B)They are alterable.

D)They are verifiablc.

49. What docs Maryanne Taylor think of self-imposed sleeplessness?

A) It may turn out to be key to a successful career.

B)It may be practiced only by certain tech heads.

C)It may symbolise one's importance and success.

D) It may well serve as a measure of self-discipline.

50. How does Dr. Sophic Bostock look at the 20-hour daily work schedule?

A)One should not adopt it without consulting a sleep expert.

B) The general public should not be encouraged to follow it.

C) One must be duly self-disciplined to adhere to it.

D) The majority must adjust their body clock for it.

Repeated failures could undoubtedly()one’s self-confidence.





Could I have_______?()

A.full one

B.a full ones

C.full one bottle

D.a full one

What is implied in this passage?

A. A painting is more easily understood than a symphony.

B. Art is merely the arranging of shape and color.

C. Every artist tries to say something to the public.

D. One must look beyond shape and color to find what the artist is saying.

Chinese wedding tea ceremony is a tradition that dates back to many centuries ago and is
still widely practiced at modern Chinese weddings on the wedding day,either at home or at the banquet.It is an official ritual to introduce the newlyweds to each other’s family,and is also a way to show respect and appreciation (感谢) to their parents. Tea is likely served also because it is the national drink of China.

When the tea itself is served,the newlyweds kneel in front of their parents,serving tea to both sides of parents,as well as elder close relatives. Parents give their words of blessing and gifts to the newlyweds. During tea presentation,a “good luck woman” would say lucky phrases to bless the newlyweds and the parents. This “good luck woman” should be someone who is blessed with

a good marriage,healthy children and husband,and living parents.

Newlyweds also present tea to each other,raising the tea cups high to show respect before presenting to each other.


() 1. Tea ceremony is a way to show respect and appreciation to the newlyweds’ parents. () 2. Tea ceremony is only practiced at the banquet.

() 3. The “good luck woman” must be the one with a good marriage,healthy children and

husband,and living parents.

() 4. During tea presentation,the newlyweds will receive gifts from their parents.

() 5. Tea ceremony tradition has a long history of several hundred years.

One day Bob took two of his frends into the mountains. They put up their tents and the

n rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.

In the aftemoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp, It started to snow. More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could not find the road. Bob knew there were two roads. One road went to the camp, and the other went to his house. But all was white snow. Everything was the same. How could he take his friends back to the camp?

Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such cold weather! It was getting late. They rode on and on. At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell. John looked around. What was that under the tree? It was one of their tents!

1.John and his two friends went to the forest to watch the trees in the forest.()

2.They could not f1nd their way back because there was only one road to their camp.()

3.It is clear that they wanted the horses to take them to the camp.()

4.The horses stopped because they were tired after running for along way.()

5.The story happened at night when nothing could be seen.()

It happened again the other night.We’re watching the weather report on television.Agener

ic-looking(相貌平平)man in a generic-looking suit slides back and forth before a map of the region,telling us we have nothing to worry about.Only a slight chance of an isolated thunderstorm after midnight.It’s 6:30 p.m.He smiles,tells us to have a great evening and fades away to sports.Less than an hour later,it’s pouring.And I mean pouring.Sheets-of-rain-down-the-windowpanes pouring.It remains one of life’s 1ittle mysteries to me how such well-intentioned and well-trained people using such high-tech equipment can be so wrong,and so often. I’ve often said that if I made that many mistakes in front of so many people,I’d have been out of job 35 years ago.I grew up on the windswept(受大风侵袭的)plains of western New York State.When the m an on the Buffalo station said it was going to snow,it snowed.It never failed. This was October,usually around Halloween(万圣节)。 He then predicted snow for the next six months,and he was never wrong November. December.January.February.March.April.Snow.Even as a kid,I figured Out this wasn’t rocket science.But at least he was always accurate.He had no equipment,no red or blue or green spots floating across his map.In fact,I’ll not sure I remember a map。In those days,we a11 knew where we were.NO map was Required。He got most()f his forecast tips,I suspect,from his bones and how they felt.

I have my simple theories why weather reporting is so inaccurate. WeatherepOrters rarely go outside.Nor can they see outside.MOst 0f them work in windowless buildings.

31.The sentence “It happened again the 0ther night” implies that ().

A.weather reporters are Often fired because they are inaccurate

B.it rains much too 0ften at night in that area of the country

C.inaccuracies in teleVisiOn weather reports are frequent

D.the author Often watches the weather report on teleVisiOn

32.The phrase“fades away to sports”(para.1)means ().

A.he goe s on t0 talk ab0ut sports programs

B.he goes away t0 play sports after work

C.sports programs begin when he disappears

D.sports have to be cancelled because 0f ranin

33.1t began to rain ().

A.at 6:30 p.m.

B.before 7:30 p.m.

C.after 7:30 p.m

D.by midnight

34.What the author intends to say id that weather reports are inaccurate because weaher reporters ().

A.are not well—equipped as expected

B.are not always responsible enough

C.go unpunished for their mistakes

D.do not conduct enough fieldwork

35.According to the author ,the man on the Buffalo station was accurate in predicting weather because ().

A.his pay depended on the tips he got from weather reports

B.what he felt in his bones helped to foresee the weather

C.it was the knowledge he gained from his ancestors

D.he could see snow coming from the windswept plains

The 26()of an application is far more often the fault of the applicant, for many appli
The 26()of an application is far more often the fault of the applicant, for many appli

cants do not set about their task in the right way. They do not study the job requirements 27()enough and dispatch applications to all and sundry (所有的人) in the hope that one will bear fruit (奏效). The personnel manager of a textiles manufacturer for example 28()for designers. He was willing to consider young people 29()working experience provided they had good ideas. The replies contained many remarks like this,"At school I was good at art", "I like drawing things" and even "I write very interesting stories". Only one applicant was sensible enough to30() samples of her designs. She got the job.

Personnel managers emphasize the need for a good letter of application. They do not look for the finest writing paper or perfect typing, but it is 31() to expect legible writing on a clean sheet of paper, not a piece torn roughly from an exercise book.

As soon as the applicant is lucky enough to receive an invitation to attend all interviews, he 32()acknowledge the letter and say he will attend. But the manager does not end there. The wise applicant will fill in the interval making himself familiar with Some activities of the company he hopes to33()applicants have not the faintest idea 34() the company does and this puts them 35() a great disadvantage when they come to answer the questions that will be put to them in the interview.
















My name is Sarah. My friendship with Kathy was real friendship but it was not perfect.
There were two things I have to tell you about. Either one of them is enough to explain what was wrong between us. Both of them together brought our friendship to an end. But to this day, thirty years later, I still cannot decide which of these two things really caused me to betray her…

I learnt very soon in our relationship that Kathy was jealous. She did not like to think that I had anything that she did not have. We would have great fun going out shopping. However, if I bought, say, a dress for a party, and she thought my dress was better than hers, she would start to say slightly unkind things about it. I could not understand this at all, and even now it puzzles me.

The other problem was my mother. She thought Kathy was common. She thought Kathy had a bad influence over me. She even disliked Kathy’s way of speaking. She thought her pronunciation was common. Mum disliked Katy and looked down on her and kept telling me to stop seeing her. If ever I invited her into the house, she would be angry and tell me off as soon as Kathy was gone.

1、What is the best title for this passage?()


B.Problems with our friendship

C.My friendship with Kathy

D.My good friend

2、What was Sarah’s attitude to her friend?()

A.Sarah thought she was common.

B.Sarah liked her, but didn’t like it when she was jealous.

C.Sarah was jealous of her.

D.Sarah hated her because she was jealous.

3、Sarah’s mother disliked Kathy because ______________________

A.She thought Kathy was common.

B.She knew Kathy was jealous of her daughter.

C.She thought Kathy was a bad influence on her daughter.

D.Kathy was common, and a bad influence.

4、Why was their friendship not perfect?()

A.Kathy was jealous.

B.Sarah’s mother didn’t like Kathy.

C.Sarah was too proud.

D.Both A and B.

5、Which of the following statements is not true?()

A.My friendship with Kathy was real friendship.

B.Sarah and Kathy enjoyed going out shopping together.

C.Sarah’s mother thought Kathy was a special girl.

D.Sarah does not know for sure which thing caused her to betray Kathy.

When I asked her to develop our relationship into a()one, however, she ()my arg
When I asked her to develop our relationship into a()one, however, she ()my arg

When I asked her to develop our relationship into a()one, however, she()my arguments as those logical fallacies I had taught her! And she refused my proposition by making full(): She liked Rob in

leather, therefore, she had told him to make the pact with me so that Rob could have my ().

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