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A market means the way things are bought or sold. In all markets, the first important thing is that we have buyers. Actually, buyers are the group of people who want to buy certain goods or services. Sometimes buyers only purchase some assets, tangible or intangible. Buyers might buy quite tangible assets, like houses, cars and so on. However, some tend to purchase intangible ones, like shares, futures, etc. The other side of the coin is there should be another group of people who are willing to sell things, including goods, services and assets. These people are sellers. And markets are the system that bridges some people's demands and some other people's supplies. Or in other words, the system gets buyers and sellers connected. Then they may make deals at a reasonable price. So in markets, price matters a lot. Prices may change quickly if supply or demand changes.1-1、A market means the way things are sold only.A、√B、×1-2、Actually, buyers want to buy certain goods or services.A、√B、×1-3、Sellers might buy quite tangible assets, like houses, cars and so on.A、√B、×1-4、Markets will connect people’s demands and people’s supplies.A、√B、×1-5、Prices change quickly with the changes of supply and demands.A、√B、×

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From English into Chinese (5%) Discount means that sellers offer buyers a certain perce

From English into Chinese (5%)

Discount means that sellers offer buyers a certain percentage of reduction on the original price. When competition in the market is fierce, discount will help to improve sellers' competitiveness. There are different kinds of discount, for example, quantity discount, seasonal discount and exceptional discount. The specific amount or percentage of discount varies in different situations. The percentage of discount can be clearly written down in a contract if the seller and the buyer have reached an agreement.

The amount of discount is usually deducted from the buyers' payment.

Every product on the market has a variety of costs built into it before it is ever put up
for sale to a customer. There are costs of production, transportation, storage, advertising, and more. Each of these costs must bring in some profit at each stage: truckers must profit from transporting products, or they would not be in business. Thus, costs also include several layers of profits. The selling price of a product must take all of these costs(and built-in profits) into consideration. The selling price itself consists of a markup over the total of all costs, and it is normally based on a percentage of the total cost.

The markup may be quite high 90 percent of cost or it may be low. Grocery items in a supermarket usually have a low markup, while mink cost have a very high one. High markups, however, do not in themselves guarantee big profits. Profits come from turnover. If an item has a 50 percent markup and does not sell, there is no profit. But if a cereal has an 8 percent markup and sells very well, there are reasonable profits.

While most pricing is based on cost factors, there are some exceptions. Prestige pricing means setting prices artificially high in order to attract select clientele. Such pricing attempts to suggest that the quality or style. of the product is exceptional or that the item cannot be found elsewhere. Stores can use prestige pricing to attract wealthy shoppers.

Leader pricing and bait pricing are the opposites of prestige pricing. Leader pricing means setting low prices on certain items to get people to come into the stores. The products so priced are called loss leaders because little or no profit can be made on them. The profits are made from other products people buy while in the store. Bait pricing, now generally considered illegal, means setting artificially low prices to attract customers. The store, however, has no intention of selling goods at the bait prices. The point is to get people into the store and persuade them of the inferiority of the low-priced item. Then a higher priced item is presented as a better alternative.

A common retail tactic is odd priced products. For some products of $300, the store will set the price at $295 or $299.95 to give the appearance of a lower price. Automobiles and other high-priced products are usually priced in this manner. For some reason $7995 has more appear to a potential car customer than $8000.

Bid pricing is a special kind of price setting. It is often used in the awarding of government contracts. Several companies are asked to submit bids on a job, and normally the lowest bidder wins. A school system may want to buy a large number of computers. Several companies are asked to submit prices, and the school district will decide on the best bid based as well on considerations of quality and service.

We learn from the second paragraph, ______.

A.reducing cost is the surest way to increase profits

B.profits depend on how fast goods are moving

C.fair markup promise the greatest profits

D.lower markup brings reasonable profits

Every product on the market has a variety of costs built into it before it is ever put up
for sale to a customer. There are costs of production, transportation, storage, advertising, and more. Each of these costs must bring in some profit at each stage: truckers must profit from transporting products, or they would not be in business. Thus, costs also include several layers of profits. The selling price of a product must take all of these costs(and built-in profits) into consideration. The selling price itself consists of a markup over the total of all costs, and it is normally based on a percentage of the total cost.

The markup may be quite high 90 percent of cost or it may be low. Grocery items in a supermarket usually have a low markup, while mink coast have a very high one. High markups, however, do not in themselves guarantee big profits. Profits come from turnover. If an item has a 50 percent markup and does not sell, there is no profit. But if a cereal has an 8 percent markup and sells very well, there are reasonable profits.

While most pricing is based on cost factors, there are some exceptions. Prestige pricing means setting prices artificially high in order to attract select clientele. Such pricing attempts to suggest that the quality or style. of the product is exceptional or that the item cannot be found elsewhere. Stores can use prestige pricing to attract wealthy shoppers.

Leader pricing and bait pricing are the opposites of prestige pricing. Leader pricing means setting low prices on certain items to get people to come into the stores. The products so priced are called loss leaders because little or no profit can be made on them. The profits are made from other products people buy while in the store. Bait pricing, now generally considered illegal, means setting artificially low prices to attract customers. The store, however, has no intention of selling goods at the bait prices. The point is to get people into the store and persuade them of the inferiority of the low-priced item. Then a higher-priced item is presented as a better alternative.

A common retail tactic is odd priced products. For some products of $300, the store will set the price at $295 or $299.95 to give the appearance of a lower price. Automobiles and other high-priced products are usually priced in this manner. For some reason $7995 has more appeal to a potential car customer than $8000.

Bid pricing is a special kind of price setting. It is often used in the awarding of government contracts. Several companies are asked to submit bids on a job, and normally the lowest bidder wins. A school system may want to buy a large number of computers. Several companies are asked to submit prices, and the school district will decide on the best bid based as well on considerations of quality and service.

What is the base of selling price?

A.the cost of production

B.a percentage of total cost

C.the cost of transportation

D.the cost of storage.

European unemployment rates are double the U. S. level, placing pressure on European p
oliticians to come up with innovative ways to create jobs. Increasingly European governments are turning to multinational corporations with incentives linked to the number of jobs the company will create by investing in the country. The more jobs a multinational manufacturer promises, the more subsidies the government will provide.

Britain, the leader in this race with 10 percent of all foreign investment in the European Union, paid $48,600 for each of the jobs created in 1996 when LG, a south Korean firm invested in an electronics complex. According to Britain's Trade and Industry Ministry, more than 285,000 jobs were created or preserved through foreign investment from 1994 to When countries such as China and Mexico offer low-cost locations for production, industrialized nations feel compelled to counter with other incentives. Governments use subsidies to induce investment not only from auto firms but also at even greater cost. from high-tech computer and electronics companies. With countries engaged in a bidding war for multinational investment, smaller nations face the prospect of being outspent by bigger competitors. Despite the high cost of the handouts, no country wants to miss the opportunity to gain job growth and modernized industry, especially when plagued by high unemployment.

26. European governments hope to lower unemployment rates by ().

A. placing pressures on Europeans companies

B. getting loans from banks

C. creating more jobs

27. The more jobs the multinational manufacturers promise, the more () European governments will provide.

A. money

B. jobs

C. profit

28. Britain is the leader in ().

A. investing money in international market

B. spending time to look for partners abroad

C. attracting foreign investment

29. Government subsidies have attracted investment relatively easily from ().

A. car companies

B. low-cost industries

C. Gas companies

30. Every country hopes to gain job growth and modernized industry, especially when plagued by high unemployment. 'Plague' here means ().

A. a kind of disease

B. causing continual trouble

C. spreading death

Camp Broadway is a children’s camp in the United States. It gives children a chance t
ofind out about the performing arts. These include drama, dancing and singing. If you are 10 to 17and enjoy performing, this could be of interest to you. It lasts 5 days and our professional artistsare going to help you develop your talent or discover one.It lets you develop your ability to create and increase your confidence. Even if you don ’have performing talents, these will be useful skills to have. Whatever your future job might be, itwill help you to speak more confidently, clearly and effectively in public. This will give you thebest results if you need to speak or introduce anything to a group of people.You also have a chance to make new friends here. And our artists will answer your questions andgive you first-hand advice. This will be of great help if you want to progress. At the end, you havea chance to show your family what you have achieved.The program isn ’t just open to beginners, but also t those w ho have some experience.If you are interested in this summer camp, then visit www.campbroadway.com.

1. A 15-year-old high school student will probably join in the camp.

A: F

B: T

2. In this passage, the underlined word “confidence”means “想象力” in Chinese.

A: T

B: F

3. The second paragraph of the passage tells us why Camp Broadway is helpful.

A: F

B: T

4. In the camp, you have a chance to learn how to help your friends with their lessons.

A: T

B: F

5. The program is only open to those who have some experience.

A: T

B: F

Fed was a consultant(咨询师)and Guido a wine maker. They started their gelato (意式冰激凌)
business with no food industry experience. "We wanted to make the best gelato in the world and we didn't know how to make any gelato!" Fed recalls. That did not stop them though and the business has become more and more successful.

The word gelato means "frozen" originally. Since ancient Rome, people have been enjoying cold desserts. Many think gelato is just an Italian name for ice cream. But actually it is a different product. According to Fed and Guido, the difference between ice cream and gelato is the amount of fat in the product. In ice cream you have an average of 17-18% of fat, but with Italian gelato you have 10%.

It was Guido who first came up with the idea. He thought that if they got the best materials, they could make top quality gelato. Fed then put a business plan together and the two decided to go for it. The only rule they had when they started out was to stick to their guiding principle—to try to create the world's best gelato. Their efforts paid off. Sales of their gelato have doubled in Italy every year since 2008. It outpaced (超过)the growth of every other type of iced dessert by some way. The company grows from two employees in 2003 to nearly 700 employees today.

According to a market analysis, Italians' love for gelato will last for the next few years. These two will be happy to learn the news.


It can be learned from the first paragraph that Fed and Guido_____.

A、used to be wine makers

B、knew how to make gelato

C、had no experience in food industry

D、planned to create a new dessert


Paragraph 2 tells us that_____.

A、Fed and Guido invented gelato

B、Italians prefer gelato to ice cream

C、gelato is the world's best dessert

D、gelato has less fat than ice cream


The guiding principle Fed and Guido followed is_____.

A、using secret materials

B、sticking to their business plan

C、making top quality gelato

D、hiring the best employees


Since 2008, the sales of Fed and Guido’s gelato have_____.

A、remained the same

B、reached record high

C、grown as fast as other desserts

D、increased steadily


Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A、the World’s Best Gelato

B、Italians' Love for Gelato

C、The History of Gelato

D、Gelato Shops in Italy

As a medium of exchange, money permits the separation of exchange into the two distinct ac
ts of buying and selling, without requiring the seller to purchase goods from the person who buys his products, or vice versa. Hence producers who know they will be paid in money, can concentrate on finding the most suitable outlet for their goods, while buyers who will pay in money, can concentrate on finding cheapest market for the things they wish to purchase. Specialization, which is vital to an advanced economy, is encouraged, because people whose output is not a complete product but only a part of one in which many others are involved can be paid an amount equivalent to their share of the product.

Another advantage of money is that it is a measure of value, that is, it serves as a unit in terms of which the relative values of different products can be expressed. In a barter economy it would be necessary to determine how many plates were worth one hundred weight of cotton, or how many pens should be exchanged for a ton of coal, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task. The process of establishing relative values would have to be undertaken for every act of exchange, according to what products were being offered against one another, and according to the two parties'desires and preferences. If I am trying to barter fish bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to barter fish for bananas, for example, a lot would depend on whether the person willing to exchange bananas is or not keen on fish.

Thirdly, money acts as a store of wealth. It is difficult to imagine saving under a barter system. No one engaged on only one stage in the manufacture of a person could save part of his output, since he would be producing nothing complete. Even when a person actually produced a complete product the difficulties would be overwhelming. Most products deteriorate fairly rapidly, either physically or in value, as a result of long storage; even if storage were possible, the practice of storing products for years on would involve obvious disadvantages-imagine a coal-miner attempting to save enough coal, which of course is his product, to keep him for life. If wealth could not be saved, or only with great difficulty, future needs could not be provided for, or capital accumulated to raise productivity.

Using money as a medium of exchange means that______.

A.you have to sell something in order to buy something

B.you have to buy something in order to sell something

C.you don't have to buy something in order to sell something

D.the seller and the purchaser are the same person

The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of dis
cussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more scope for specialization and the development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand to justify them.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a worldwide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In a developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, it will be the first concern of government to place a limit on the birthrate, whatever the consequences may be. In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and the building industry is weakened. Faced with considerations such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.

1. A large population may mean _________.

A.higher productivity, but a lower average income

B.ower productivity, but a higher average income

C.higher productivity and a higher average income

D.ower productivity and a lower average income

2.A large population may offer more scope for the development of _________.



C.extensive cultivation


3.In highly industrialized countries, unemployment may result from _________.

A.a decreasing birthrate

B.an increasing birthrate

C.a stable birthrate

D.a birth control program

4.What may the government of a developed country prefer?()

A.A rapidly increasing population.

B.A rapidly decreasing population.

C.A slowly increasing population.

D.A slowly decreasing population.

5.Why is it difficult to carry out a worldwide birth control program?()

A.Because it will do harm to the national economy in most countries.

B.Because it will lead to complex social problems in developing countries.

C.Because people are unwilling to practice birth control.

D.Because different governments have different opinions.

Market Positioning

Normally tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand.()A.正确B.错误

Normally tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand.()



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