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In the foreign trade business, the trade terms CIF is often used. CIF is the abbreviation

for ().

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汉译英:“外贸、合同、发票”a business;invoice;contractb foreign;trade contract;invoicec


a business;invoice;contract

b foreign;trade contract;invoice

c business;LC;contract

d foreign trade;invoice;contract

As some of the rules concerning foreign trade run contrary to the principles of the W
TO, the government decided to ()them as soon as possible.





The foreign trade company usually settlesaccounts with the bank against credit for exporte
d goods. A.based on B.despite of C.distinct from D.referring to

在习题1的基础上加入外国,其需求曲线为: D*= 80-20P,供给曲线为: S* =40+20P。a.推导并绘出外国

在习题1的基础上加入外国,其需求曲线为: D*= 80-20P,供给曲线为: S* =40+20P。



Now add Foreign, which has a demand curve


and a supply curve


a. Derive and graph Foreign's export supply curve and find the price of wheat that would prevail in Foreign in the absence of trade.

b. Now allow Foreign and Home to trade with each other, at zero transportation cost. Find the equilibrium under free trade. What is the world price? What is the volume of trade?

Pursuing free trade through WTO has many attractions. Countries bind themselves and their
trading partners to transparent and non-discriminatory trade rules, which the WTO then enforces even handedly. Since most governments operate on the premise that opening domestic markets is a concession to be traded for access to foreign markets, multilateral liberalization is often the most effective route to free trade.

A successful WTO round requires two big bargains to be struck: a transatlantic deal between America and the EU and a north-south deal between the rich and the poor. Yet at Seattle this year there is a long way to go before such broad bargains can be considered, let alone struck.

America wants a few priority issues to be settled. Its list includes an extension of the duty-free status of e-commerce, a broader IT pact, reform. of the WTO dispute settlements system, increased WTO transparency and the phase out of tariffs in eight sectors including chemicals, energy products and environmental products. The EU on the other hand professes to want a more comprehensive approach that focuses on removing tariff peaks for such imports as textiles, glass and footwear, but would preserve tariff preferences for developing countries.

The biggest obstacle may be the insistence of many developing countries that they will block further liberalization until their gripes over the Uruguay round are addressed They want their obligations in areas such as intellectual property, investor protection, subsidies and anti-dumping to be eased. They argue that the Uruguay round has failed to deliver expected benefits in such areas as agriculture and textiles.

Though by no means a monolithic block, the developing countries share a feeling that whatever the promise of liberalization at the WTO, rich countries will Conspire to keep their markets closed. Indeed, the EU insists that freeing trade should be "controlled, steered and managed according to the concerns of EU citizens". That is in keeping with a view, widespread on the continent, that "a protectionist trade policy is a price readily paid for political objectives".

However great these obstacles are, they could be overcome if America were still leading the drive for freer world trade. With its economy doing well, greater access to foreign markets seems a less pressing priority. The Clinton administration is unwilling to make politically painful concessions required to achieve that aim. So there is a possibility that the Seattle round will turn out to be a fiasco. If that happens, it will encourage the anti-WTO groups to go on the offensive. America, the EU and Japan would increasingly be tempted by managed trade.

The WTO's transparent and non-discriminatory rules require all member countries to ______.

A.exchange domestic markets for foreign markets

B.make concessions in foreign trade

C.adopt the most effective route to free trade

D.enforce trade policies even handedly

European unemployment rates are double the U. S. level, placing pressure on European p
oliticians to come up with innovative ways to create jobs. Increasingly European governments are turning to multinational corporations with incentives linked to the number of jobs the company will create by investing in the country. The more jobs a multinational manufacturer promises, the more subsidies the government will provide.

Britain, the leader in this race with 10 percent of all foreign investment in the European Union, paid $48,600 for each of the jobs created in 1996 when LG, a south Korean firm invested in an electronics complex. According to Britain's Trade and Industry Ministry, more than 285,000 jobs were created or preserved through foreign investment from 1994 to When countries such as China and Mexico offer low-cost locations for production, industrialized nations feel compelled to counter with other incentives. Governments use subsidies to induce investment not only from auto firms but also at even greater cost. from high-tech computer and electronics companies. With countries engaged in a bidding war for multinational investment, smaller nations face the prospect of being outspent by bigger competitors. Despite the high cost of the handouts, no country wants to miss the opportunity to gain job growth and modernized industry, especially when plagued by high unemployment.

26. European governments hope to lower unemployment rates by ().

A. placing pressures on Europeans companies

B. getting loans from banks

C. creating more jobs

27. The more jobs the multinational manufacturers promise, the more () European governments will provide.

A. money

B. jobs

C. profit

28. Britain is the leader in ().

A. investing money in international market

B. spending time to look for partners abroad

C. attracting foreign investment

29. Government subsidies have attracted investment relatively easily from ().

A. car companies

B. low-cost industries

C. Gas companies

30. Every country hopes to gain job growth and modernized industry, especially when plagued by high unemployment. 'Plague' here means ().

A. a kind of disease

B. causing continual trouble

C. spreading death

“Welcome to the U.S.A.! Major credit cards are accepted!”By the millions they are coming
“Welcome to the U.S.A.! Major credit cards are accepted!”

By the millions they are coming no longer the tired, the poor, the wretched masses longing for a better living.These are the wealthy.“We don’t have a budget,” says a biologist from Brazil, as she walks with two companions through New York City’s South Street.“We just use our credit cards.”

The US has long been one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, but this year has been exceptional.First, there was the World Cup, which drew thousands from every corner of the globe; then came the weakening of the US dollar against major currencies.Now the US, still the world’s superpower, can also claim to be the world’s bargain basement (廉价商品部).Nobody undersells America these days on just about everything, from consumer electronics to fashion clothes to tennis rackets.Bottom retail prices anywhere from 30% to 70% lower than those in Europe and Asia have attracted some 47 million visitors, who are expected to leave behind $ 79 billion in 1994.That’s up from $ 74 billion the year before.

True, not everyone comes just for bargains.There remains an undeniable fascination in the rest of the world with all things American, nourished by Hollywood films and US television series.But shopping the USA is proving irresistible.Every week thousands arrive with empty suitcases ready to be filled; some even rent an additional hotel room to hold their purchases.The buying binge (无节制) has become as important as watching Old Faithful Fountains erupt in Yellowstone Park or sunbathing on a beach in Florida.

The US has come at last to appreciate what other countries learned long ago: the puring in of foreign tourists may not always be convenient, but it does put money in the bank.And with a trade deficit at about $ 130 billion and growing for the past 12 months, the US needs all the deposits it can get.Compared with American tourists abroad, visitors to the US stay longer and spend more money at each stop; an average of 12.2 night and $ 1624 a traveler versus the Americans’ four nights and $ 298.

31.From what the Brazilian biologist says, we know that tourists like her.

A.are reluctant to carry cash with them.

B.simply don’t care how much they spend.

C.are not good at planning their expenditure.

D.often spend more money than they can afford.

32.The reason why 1994 was exceptional is that.

A.it saw an unusually large number of tourists to the US

B.it witnessed a drop in the number of tourists to the US.

C.tourism was hardly affected by the weakening of the US dollar that year.

D.tourists came to the US for sightseeing rather than for bargains that year.

33.By saying “Nobody undersells America” (Underlined), the author means that .

A.no other country underestimates the competitiveness of American products.

B.Nobody expects the Americans to cut the prices of their commodities.

C.nobdy restrains the selling of American goods.

D.no other country sells at a lower price than America.

34.Why does the author assert that all things American are fascinating to foreigners?

A.Because they have gained much publicity through the American media.

B.Because they represent the world’s latest fashions.

C.Because they embody the most sophisticated technology.

D.Because they are available at all tourist destinations.

35.From the passage we can conclude that the US has come to realize.

A.the weakening of the US dollar can result in trade deficits.

B.the lower the retail prices, the greater in profits.

C.tourism can make great contributions to its economy.

D.visitors to the US are wealthier than US tourists abroad.

unfnished statements,Directions: Afier reading the fllowing pasage, you will find 5 qu
estions or

asmarkedA), B), C)4 choicesnumbered 40 to 44. For each question or statement, there ar

4Croud letter on the Answer and D). You should make the orret choice and mark the coresponding Sheet with a single line through the center.There are a few reasos whyje hnfebiedl buincs may have toubtein scuring businessfinancing (筹集资金) through a bank or credit union:

* Your business isn't fimmly established; If your business is less than two years old, it's unlikely that a traditional lender will be wlling to take a chancee on funding your business.

* Your businss credit score is lacking; Once you apply for an employer ienification (雇 主识别)

number, you have to start building a business credit score. You can improve the score by paying your bll,s establishing trade credit accounts, and staying in busines. The business and personal credit score both afect whether a lender is wlling to offer you business financing.

* You lack a demonstrated (证明的) need; Taking on debt is a common way for raising funds.However, you should never do so unless you need to. Lenders will refuse to finance a business that can't clearly show why they need funding, and how they'll pay it back.

If, as a home business owner, you discover an area that requires serious investment, you should be able to make your case to lenders, whether they are your local bank or an online lender.

40. A traditional lender will NOT be wlling to provide funds to a business if()

A) it is a foreign company

C) it is located in a remote area

B) it has been newly set up

D) it is a small family business

41. Whether a business can obtain financing is likely to be decided by().

A) its yearly profit

C) its business credit score

B) its business scale type

D) its relationship with a lender

42. To secure business financing, a business owner should clearly demonstrate to the lender().

A) the need for funding

C) the company's products

B) the marketing strategy

D) the business management

43. The expression “make your case" in the sentence “... you should be able to make your case to

lenders..." (Para. 5) means

A) give your sales plan

C) make your promise

B) offer your proposal

D) state your reasons

44,The passage is mainly about

A) when a home-based business should build a business credit score

B) how a family business applies for financing from a local bank

C) why a home-based business has difficulty obtaining financing

D) where a home-based business can secure business financing

trade terms

进口贸易(Import Trade):

进口贸易(Import Trade):

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