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()music needs high musical skills.


B.Heavy metal



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更多“()music needs high musical ski…”相关的问题
There are many different kinds of music in the world. Let 5 study some of them.Classical
There are many different kinds of music in the world. Let 5 study some of them.

Classical Music Classical music is a form. of music needing high musical sills. If you wish to learn this kind of music, you have to go through

proper training,

Heavy Metal Music Heavy metal music came out after the Second World War. The melody of the song is heavily influenced by the structure of it. It is also known as "information music" In heavy metal music, songwriting is based on a from.

Hip hop Music this music always includes the use of instruments such the guitar, violin, piano, bass, drums and so on In this type of music,

the bass is the main instrument. It was first played by a group of traveling singers and poets of West Africa

Opera Music t first appeared in Italy in the 1600s. It has a great mixture of theatrical art and musical invention and is used in theaters.

Jazz Music This type of music has strong and complex melodies. The main musical instruments are the cornet, trumpet and violin, which

help carry the melody.

Besides these, there are many others such as the blues, New Age music, Celtic music, religious music, and chamber music.

1.()music needs high musical skills.


B.Heavy metal



2.The main instrument in Hip-hop music is the().

A guitar




3. The()is used in both Hip hop music and jazz music com





4. Opera music first appeared in().


B Italy



5. Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?()

A.Heavy metal music appeared after the First Word War.

B.Only after proper training can you learn the blues

C.People cal jazz music "information music"

D.in the world there are many kinds of music

● MP3是目前最流行的数字音乐压缩编码格式之一,其命名中“MP”是指 (12) ,“3”是指 (13) 。 (12)A. m

● MP3是目前最流行的数字音乐压缩编码格式之一,其命名中“MP”是指 (12) ,“3”是指 (13) 。 (12)

A. media player

B. multiple parts

C. music player

D. MPEG-1 Audio



B. version 3

C. part 3

D. layer 3

【With the 4G telecommunications systems now starting to be deployed,people are looking tow
ards the development of 5th generation or 5G technology services.Although the deployment of any wireless or cellular system take years,development of the 5G technology systems is being investigated.The new 5G technologies will need to be chosen developed and perfected to enable timely and reliable deployment. The new 5th generation,5G technology for cellular systems will probably start to come to fruition around 2020. The current status of the 5G technology for cellular systems is very much in the early development stages.Many companies are looking into the technologies that could be used to become part of the system.In addition to this,a number of universities have set up 5G research units focused on developing the technologies for 5G. In addition, the standards bodies,particularly 3GPP are aware of the development but are not actively planing the 5G systems yet.Many of the technologies to be used for 5G will start to appear in the systems used for 4G and then as the new 5G cellular system starts to formulate in a more concrete manner,they will be incorporated into the new 5G cellular system. The major issue with 5G technology is that there is such an enormously wide variation in the requirements:super fast downloads to small data requirements for IoT than any one system will not be able to meet these needs.Accordingly a layer approach is likely to be adopted.As one commentator stated:5G is not just a mobile technology.It is ubiquitous access to high & low data rate services.】 Based on the paragraph above,at present,5G technology for cellular systems (), many of the technologies to be used for 5G () in the systems used for 4G,the major issue facing with 5G technology is ().

A.has matured B.has setup its standards C.is very much in the early development stages D.is in use A.is being developed B.already appeared C.will not appear D.will start to appear A.super fast downloads B.small data requirements for IoT C.4G system has already satisfied these needs D.an enormously wide variation in the requirements

阅读以下技术说明和C代码,将C程序中(1)~(5)空缺处的内容填写完整。[说明] 某种传感器的输出值Rati






1) 根据temp值,在表4-10中用二分法查找;

2) 若找到相应的温度值,则按相应的Ratio值求倒数得到K值;

3) 若没找到相应的温度值,则可确定temp所在的温度区间[Tp1,Tp2],同时获得了相应的Ratio1和 Ratio2,再按如下公式计算K值:




typedef struct {

int Temp; /* 环境温度 */

double Ratio; /* 传感器的输出值 */


define ITEMS 7

double GetK(int Temp,CURVE *p,int n)

{ /* 用二分法在n个元素的有序表p中查找与Temp对应的传感器输出值 */

int low, high, m;

double Step;

low = 0;

high = n-1;

if ((Temp<p->Temp) || (Temp>(p+high)->Temp))

return 0.0; /* 超出温度范围时返回 0.0 */

while (low<=high)

{ m=(1);

if (Temp==(p+m)->Temp)

return (2);

if (Temp<(p+m) >Temp)






Step=((4) )/((p+1)->Temp-p->Temp);

return 1.0/ (p->Ratio + Step*((5) ) ;


void main()

{ int Degree;

double k;

CURVE Curve [ITEMS]={{-40,0.2},{-20,0.60.},{-10,0.8},{0,1.0},{10,1.17},{30,1.50},{50,1.8}};

printf ("环境温度 校正系数\n");

for (Degree=-40;Degree<=50;Degree++)

{ k=GetK (Degree, Curve, ITEMS);

printf("%3d %4.2f\n",Degree,k);



One of the more important communicative tasks may confront a traveler.That is the ___1
___ of when a speaker has said "no".That is, one needs to be able to recognize that a respondent has refused or ___2___ what the speaker has demanded, solicited, or offered.Equally, one needs to ___3___ the appropriate manner in which to respond in the negative when offered, solicited, or demanded something.It is ___4___ that it is sometimes difficult to recognize a refusal in one"s mother tongue where the answer might be unclear.However, in many ___5___ the meaning can be made clear.This is possible if one knows how to read the ___6___ signals.A first task for the visitor abroad is to discover which forms are used to ___7___ this function.If we compare form. and function across cultures, it soon becomes clear that one form. may be used to mean different things in another culture than in one’s own.For example, in Turkish "no" is ___8___ by moving one"s head backwards while rolling one"s eyes upwards.However, to an American this movement is ___9___ to the signal used for saying "yes".Further, in still other cultures, head shaking may have nothing to do with affirmation or negation.In parts of India, rolling the head slowly from side to side means something like "Yes, go on.I"m listening".Thus, as one goes from culture to culture, form. and function may not ___10___.If a foreigner wants to communicate appropriately, he must develop the competence of sending and receiving "no" messages.
















prior to the UML, there was no clear leading(1)language. Users had to choose from among m

prior to the UML, there was no clear leading(1)language. Users had to choose from among many similar modeling languages with minor differences in overall(2)power. Most of the modeling languages shared a set of commonly accepted concepts that are expressed slightly differently in various languages. This lack of(3)discouraged new users from entering the OO market and from doing OO modeling, without greatly expanding the power of modeling. Users longed for the industry to adopt one,or a very few, broadly supported modeling languages suitable for(4)usage.Some vendors were discouraged from entering the OO modeling area because of the need to support many similar, but slightly different, modeling languages. In particular, the supply of add-on tools has been depressed because small vendors cannot afford to support many different formats from many different(5)modeling tools. It is important to the entire OO industry to encourage broadly based tools and vendors, as well as niche products that cater to the needs of specialized groups.





Mr. Chen living next door to us has a habit of drinking. The best present to him, of c
ourse, is wine, Now his eldest son brought him a bottle of Mao Tai. He was glad and stared at it for some time, then wrote “105” on the corner of the trademark with a pencil, meaning he had already drunk 105 bottles of the famous wine. Two days later a stranger came. He offered to pay 5 yuan for the empty Mao Tai bottle. Mr. Chen was pleased and sold it. Several weeks later, his second son brought him another bottle of Mao Tai. While examining and enjoying it, he was suddenly terrified—he found “105”—the very mark on it.

1.The story is mainly about _______.

A、two sons of Mr. Chen’s

B、wine, the best present

C、the secret of “105”

D、an empty bottle worth 5 yuan

2.The story tells that the stranger was a man who _______.

A、took back empties

B、produced famous wine

C、promoted (促进) the sale of Mao Tai

D、knew how to meet people’s needs

3.Mr. Chen sold his empty Mao Tai bottle because ________.

A、he had already numbered it “105”

B、he knew his second son would bring him another

C、the price offered was high enough

D、he hoped the bottle could be used again

4.When examining and enjoying the wine sent by his second son, Mr. Chen was terrified because he found _______.

A、the wine was mixed with water

B、he should have marked it “106”

C、the wine had exceeded (超出) the time limit

D、his second son had been cheated

5.According to the story, who do you say learned a lesson_______.

A、The stranger

B、Mr. Chen

C、His neighbour

D、Mr. Chen’s eldest son

●Prior to the UML,there was no clearleading (66) language.Users had to choose from among m

●Prior to the UML,there was no clearleading (66) language.Users had to choose from among many similar modeling languages with minor differences in overall (67) power.Most of the modeling languages shared a set of commonly accepted concepts that are expressed slightly differently in various languages.This lack of (68) discouraged new users from entering the OO market and from doing OO modeling,without greatly expanding the power of modeling.Users longed for the industry to adopt one,or a very few,broadly supported modelinglanguages suitable for (69) usage.

Some Vendors were discouraged from entering the OO modeling area because of the need to support many similar,but slightly different,modeling languages.In particular,the supply of add-ontools has been depressed because small vendors cannot afford to support many different formatsfrom many different (70) modeling tools.It is important to the entire OOindustry to encourage broadly based tools and vendors,as well as niche products that cater to the needs of specialized groups.

(66) A.programming




(67) A.control




(68) A.agreement




(69) A.distincitive




(70) A.internal




Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following pa...

Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once. (答案请填写完整单词) A) effect B) affect C) commit D) decrease E) decline F) influence G) compromise H) concede I) available J) applicable K) reluctant L) furthermore M) necessity N) authority O) potential A variety of conditions can affect the success or failure of negotiations (谈判). The following conditions make success in negotiations more likely. First, both parties must be willing to participate. If one party is unwilling for the negotiation, the 1) ______ for reaching any agreement will certainly 2) ________. Second, people must get ready to discuss. When there is not enough information 3) _________, or a negotiation strategy unprepared, people may be 4) _________ to begin the discussion. Third, both parties must have enough interests in common to 5) _________ themselves to a shared decision-making discussion. For people to settle disagreement, they must have some means to 6) _______ the attitudes and behavior. from the other party. To 7) __________ a change, they may provide needed information and seek the advice of experts for help. Finally, participants must have the 8) ________ to make a decision. If not, negotiations will be limited to an information exchange between the parties. 9) ___________, both parties must have a willingness to 10) __________. In other words, sometimes, to reach a satisfactory conclusion, it is necessary for the parties prepared to have less than 100 percent of needs or interests satisfied.

A new batch of young women—members of the so-called Millennial (千禧的) generation—has
A new batch of young women—members of the so-called Millennial (千禧的) generation—has

A new batch of young women—members of the so-called Millennial (千禧的) generation—has been entering the workforce for the past decade. At the starting line of their careers, they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had been—or than their young male counterparts are now. But when they look ahead, they see roadblocks to their success. They believe that women are paid less than men for doing the same job. They think it's easier for men to get top executive jobs than it is for them. And they assume that if and when they have children, it will be even harder for them to advance in their careers.

While the public sees greater workplace equality between men and women now than it did 20-30 years ago, most believe more change is needed. Among Millennial women, 75% say this country needs to continue making changes to achieve gender equality in the workplace, compared with 57% of Millennial men. Even so, relatively few young women (15%) say they have been discriminated against at work because of their gender.

As Millennial women come of age they share many of the same views and values about work as their male counterparts. They want jobs that provide security and flexibility, and they place relatively little importance on high pay. At the same time, however, young working women are less likely than men to aim at top management jobs: 34% say they're not interested in becoming a boss or top manager; only 24% of young men say the same. The gender gap on this question is even wider among working adults in their 30s and 40s, when many women face the trade-offs that go with work and motherhood.

These findings are based on a new Pew Research Center survey of 2,002 adults, including 810 Millennials (ages 18-32), conducted Oct. 7-27, 2013. The survey finds that, in spite of the dramatic gains women have made in educational attainment and labor force participation in recent decades, young women view this as a man's world—just as middle-aged and older women do.

86.What do we learn from the first paragraph about Millennial women starting their careers_______

A.They can get ahead only by striving harder.

B.They expect to succeed just like Millennial men.

C.They are generally quite optimistic about their future.

D.They are better educated than their male counterparts.

87.How do most Millennial women feel about their treatment in the workplace_____

A.They are the target of discrimination.

B.They find it satisfactory on the whole.

C.They think it needs further improving.

D.They find their complaints ignored.

88.What do Millennial women value most when coming of age_____

A.A sense of accomplishment.

B.Job stability and flebility.

C.Rewards and promotions.

D.Joy derived from work.

89.What are women in their 30s and 40s concerned about_____

A.The welfare of their children.

B.The narrowing of the gender gap.

C.The fulfillment of their dreams in life.

D.The balance between work and family.

90.What conclusion can be drawn about Millennial women from the 2013 survey_____

A.They still view this world as one dominated by males.

B.They account for half the workforce in the job market.

C.They see the world differently from older generations.

D.They do better in work than their male counterparts.

MP3 is an legal manner to transfer music()A.正确B.错误

MP3 is an legal manner to transfer music()



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