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Only in this way()solve the problem at once.

Only in this way()solve the problem at once.

A、we can

B、can we

C、that we can

D、that can we

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更多“Only in this way()solve the pr…”相关的问题
A market means the way things are bought or sold. In all markets, the first important thing is that we have buyers. Actually, buyers are the group of people who want to buy certain goods or services. Sometimes buyers only purchase some assets, tangible or intangible. Buyers might buy quite tangible assets, like houses, cars and so on. However, some tend to purchase intangible ones, like shares, futures, etc. The other side of the coin is there should be another group of people who are willing to sell things, including goods, services and assets. These people are sellers. And markets are the system that bridges some people's demands and some other people's supplies. Or in other words, the system gets buyers and sellers connected. Then they may make deals at a reasonable price. So in markets, price matters a lot. Prices may change quickly if supply or demand changes.

1-1、A market means the way things are sold only.



1-2、Actually, buyers want to buy certain goods or services.



1-3、Sellers might buy quite tangible assets, like houses, cars and so on.



1-4、Markets will connect people’s demands and people’s supplies.



1-5、Prices change quickly with the changes of supply and demands.



There is nothing in this world constant but inconstancy.--SWIFTProject after project desig

There is nothing in this world constant but inconstancy.--SWIFT

Project after project designs a set of algorithms and then plunges into construction of customer-deliverable software on a schedule that demands delivery of the first thing built.

In most projects,the first system built is (71) usable,It may be too slow,too big,awkward to use,or all three.There is no (72) but to start again,smarting but smarter,and build a redesigned version in which these problems are solved.The discard and (73) may be done in one lump,or it may be done piece-by-piece.But all large-system experience shows that it will be done.Where a new system concept or new technology is used,one has to build a system to throw away,for even the best planning is not so omniscient(全知的)as to get it right the first time.

The management question,therefore ,is not whether to build a pilot system and throw it away.You will do that.The only question is whether to plan in advance to build a (74),or to promise to deliver the throwaway to customers.Seen this way,the answer is much clearer.Delivering that throwaway to customers buys time,but it does so only at the (75) of agony(极大痛苦)for the user,distraction for the builders while they do the redesign,and a bad reputation for the product that best redesign will find hard to live down.

Hence plan to throw one away;you will,anyhow.






In a new school, Liu Hui wonders how to build a good relationship with his new classma
tes and is asking for Li Hua's advice._

LI HUA:Hi, Liu Hui. Have you got something on your __1___

LIU HUI:Hmmm, I'm ... a little ... upset.

LI HUA:Anything wrong It's only the___2__ of the first semester . How are you getting on with your school life

LIU HUI:My classmates are from different places, with all those different backgrounds . I'm not___3__ how to get along with them.

LI HUA:That's not difficult. Try your___4__ to find common topics to talk with them about.

LIU HUI:What kind of common topics

LI HUA:Hobbies, games, hometown, family and so on.

LIU HUI:Well. I see. Breaking the ice is a good way to make ___5__. Thank you very much.

LI HUA:My pleasure.

Why is (1) fun?What de lights may itS practitioner expect as his reward? First is the shee

Why is (1) fun?What de lights may itS practitioner expect as his reward? First is the sheer joy of making things. As the child delights in his mud pie, so the adult enjoys building things, especially things of his own design. Second is the pleasure of making things that are useful to other people. Third is the fascination of fashioning complex puzzle-like objects of interlocking moving parts and watching them work in subtle cycles, playing out the consequences of principles built in from the beginning. Fourth is the joy of always learning, which springs from the (2) nature of the task. In one way or another the problem is ever new, and its solver learns something: sometimes (3), sometimes theoretical, and sometimes both. Finally, there is the delight of working in such a tractable medium. The (4), like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. Few media of creation are so flexible, so easy to polish and rework, so readily capable of realizing grand conceptual structures.

Yet the program (5), unlike the poet's words, is real in the sense that it moves and works, producing visible outputs separate from the construct itself. It prints results, draws pictures, produces sounds, moves arms. Programming then is fun because it gratifies creative longings built deep within us and delights sensibilities we have in common with all men.






Why is (1) fun? What delights may its practitioner expect as his reward? First is the shee

Why is (1) fun? What delights may its practitioner expect as his reward? First is the sheer joy of making things. As the child delights in his mud pie, so the adult enjoys building things, especially things of his own design. Second is the pleasure of making things that are useful to other people. Third is the fascination of fashioning complex puzzle-like objects of interlocking moving parts and watching them work in subtle cycles, playing out the consequences of principles built in from the beginning. Fourth is the joy of always learning, which springs from the (2) nature of the task. In one way or another the problem is ever new, and its solver learns something: sometimes (3), sometimes theoretical, and sometimes both. Finally, there is the delight of working in such a tractable medium. The (4), like the poet, works only slightly removed from pure thought-stuff. Few media of creation are so flexible, so easy to polish and rework, so readily capable of realizing grand conceptual structures.

Yet the program (5), unlike the poet's words, is real in the sense that it moves and works, producing visible outputs separate from the construct itself. It prints results, draws pictures, produces sounds, moves arms. Programming then is fun because it gratifies creative longings built deep within us and delights sensibilities we have in common with all men.






根据以下内容回答下列各题, The water we drink and use is running short in the world. We all
have to learn how to stop wasting our limited water. One of the steps we should take is to find ways of reusing it. Experiments have already been done in this field. Today in most large cities, fresh water is used only once, then it runs into waste system. But it is possible to pipe the used water to a purifying factory. There it can be filtered and treated with chemicals so that it can be used again, just as it were fresh from a spring. But even if every large city purified and reused its water, we still would not have enough. Then we could turn to the oceans. All wed have to do to make use of the seawater on earth is to get rid of the salt. This process is called desalinization, and it is already in use in many parts of the world. The way to stop wasting our limited water is to ________.

A.do experiments with water

B.purify the used water and reuse it

C.use fresh water once again

D.make use of seawater

Most people can remember a phone number for up to thirty seconds. When this short amount o
f time elapses, however, the numbers are erased from the memory. How did the information get there in the first place? Information that makes its way to the short term memory (STM). does so via the sensory storage area. The brain has a filter which only allows stimuli that is of immediate interest to pass on to the STM, also known as the working memory.

There is much debate about the capacity and duration of the short term memory. The most accepted theory comes from George A. Miller, a cognitive psychologist who suggested that humans can remember approximately seven chunks of information. A chunk is defined as a meaningful unit of information, such as a word or name rather than just a letter or number. Modern theorists suggest that one can increase the capacity of the short term memory by chunking, or classifying similar information together. By organizing information, one can optimize the STM, and improve the chances of a memory being passed on to long term storage.

When making a conscious effort to memorize something, such as information for an exam, many people engage in "rote rehearsal". By repeating something over and over again, we are able to keep a memory alive. Unfortunately, this type of memory maintenance only succeeds if there are no interruptions. As soon as a person stops rehearsing the information, it has the tendency to disappear. When a pen and paper are not handy, you might attempt to remember a phone number by repeating it aloud. If the doorbell rings or the dog barks to come in before you get the opportunity to make your phone call, you will forget the number instantly. Therefore, rote rehearsal is not an efficient way to pass information from the short term to long term memory. A better way is to practice "elaborate rehearsal". This involves assigning semantic meaning to a piece of information so that it can be filed along with other pre-existing long term memories.

Encoding information semantically also makes it more retrievable. Retrieving information can be done by recognition or recall. Humans can recall memories that are stored in the long term memory and used often. However, if a memory seems to be forgotten, it may eventually be retrieved by prompting. The more cues a person is given (such as pictures. , the more likely a memory can be retrieved. This is why multiple choice tests are often used for subjects that require a lot of memorization.

According to the passage, how do memories get transferred to the STM? ______

A.They revert from the long term memory.

B.They are filtered from the sensory storage area.

C.They get chunked when they enter the brain.

D.They enter via the nervous system.

Thousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean, miles from the nearest island, an u
ndersea volcano(火山) broke out. The hot liquid rock piled higher and higher and spread wider and wider. In this way, an island rose up in the sea. As time went on, hot sun and cool rains made the rock split and break to pieces. Sea waves dashed against the rock. In this way, soil and sand came into being. Nothing lived on the naked soil. And then the wind and birds brought plant seeds, spiders and other little creatures there. Only plants could grow first. Only they, in sunlight, could produce food from the minerals of the soil, water and air. While many animals landed on the island, they could find no food. A spider spun its web in vain, because there were no insects for its web to catch. Insects couldn’t stay until there were plants for them to eat. So plants had to be the pioneer life on this new island.

1.The main point of the passage is ().

A.how an island formed

B.how a volcano broke out

C.how plants were brought to the island

D.how plants and animals began to live on an island in the sea

2.According to the passage,() made the island rise up in the sea.

A.hot liquid rock from the undersea volcano

B.sand brought by the wind

C.rock from the nearest island

D.sea waves

3.The word "dash"(in Para.2)means ().





4.Why couldn't animals live on the island before plants?()

A.Because it was too hot on the bare island

B.Because it rained too mush

C.Because there was no water

D.Because they couldn't find food

5.Which order of coming into being on the volcano-produced island is right?()

A.Hot liquid rock, animals and plants

B.Soil, hot liquid rock and plants

C.Spiders, birds and plants

D.Soil, plants and animals

In our society, we must communicate with other people. A great deal of communicating is pe
rformed on a person-to person【C1】______ by the simple means of speech. If we travel in buses, stand in football match【C2】______ , we are likely to have conversation【C3】______ we give information or opinions, and sometimes have our views【C4】______ by other members of society. Face-to-face contact is【C5】______ the only form. of communication and during the last two hundred years the【C6】______ of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society. Two things, 【C7】______ others, have caused the enormous growth of the communication industry. Firstly, inventiveness has led to【C8】______ in printing, photography and so on. Secondly, speed has revolutionized the【C9】______ and reception of communications so that local news often takes【C10】______ back beat to national news.

No longer is the possession of information【C11】______ to a privileged minority. Forty years ago people used to【C12】______ to the cinema, but now far more people sit at home and turn on the TV to watch a programme that【C13】______ into millions of homes. Communication is no longer merely concerned【C14】______ the transmission of information. The modem communications industry influences the way people live in society and broadens, their【C15】______ by allowing access to information, education and entertainment. The printing, broadcasting and【C16】______ industries are all involved with informing, educating and entertaining.

【C17】______ a great deal of the material communicated by the mass media is very【C18】______ to the individual and to the society of which he is a part, the vast modem network of communications is【C19】______ to abuse. How ever, the mass media are with us for better, for worse, and there is no turning【C20】______ .






Sunlight is free, but that is no reason to waste it. Yet even the best silicon solar cells
—by far the most【C1】______sort—convert only a quarter of the light that falls on them. Silicon has the【C2】______of being cheap: manufacturing improvements have brought its price to a point where it is snapping at the heels of fossil fuels.【C3】______many scientists would like to replace it【C4】______something fundamentally better. John Rogers, of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, is one. The cells he has【C5】______can convert 42.5% of sunlight.【C6】______improved, Dr Rogers reckons, their efficiency could rise to 50%. Their【C7】______is that they are actually not one cell, but four, stacked one on top of another. Solar cells are made of semiconductors, and every type of semiconductor has a【C8】______called a band gap that is different from that of other semiconductors. The band gap【C9】______the longest wavelength of light a semiconductor can absorb (it is transparent to longer wavelengths). It also fixes the【C10】______amount of energy that can be【C11】______from shorter wavelength. The result is that long-wavelength photons are lost and short-wave ones incompletely utilised. Dr Rogers【C12】______this by using a different material for each layer of the stack. He chooses his materials【C13】______the bottom of the band gap of the top layer matches the top of the band gap of the one underneath, and so on【C14】______the stack. Each layer thus【C15】______off part of the spectrum, converts it efficiently into electrical energy and passes the rest on. The problem is that the materials needed to make these semiconductors are【C16】______But Dr Rogers has found a way to overcome this.【C17】______solar-cell modules are completely covered by semiconductor, but in his only 0.1% of the surface is so covered. The semiconducting stacks, each half a millimeter square, are【C18】______over that surface many dots. Each stack then has a pair of cheap glass lenses【C19】______over it. These focus the suns light onto the stack, meaning that all【C20】______light meets a semiconductor.






A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the m

A man who knows a bit about carpentry (木工术) will make his table more quickly than the man who does not. If the instructions are not very clear, or the shape of a piece is puzzling his experience helps him to conclude that it must fit there, or that its function must be that. In the same way, the reader's sense and experience helps him to predict what the writer is likely to ,say next; that he must be going to say this rather than that. A reader who can think along with the writer in this way will find the text.

This skill is so useful that you may wish to make your students aware of it so that they can use it to tackle difficult texts. It does seem to be the case that as we read we make hypotheses (假设) about what the writer intends to say; these are immediately modified by what he actually does say, and are replaced by new hypotheses about what will follow. We have all had the experience of believing we were understanding a text until suddenly brought to a halt by some word or phrase that would not fit into the pattern and forced us to reread and readjust our thoughts. Such occurrences lend support to the notion of reading as a constant making and remaking of hypotheses.

If you are interested in finding out how far this idea accords with (符合) practice, you may like to try out the text and questions. To do so, take a piece of card and use it to mask the text. Move it down the page, revealing only one

t a time. Answer the question before you go on to look at the next section. Check your prediction against what the text actually says, and use the new knowledge to improve your next prediction. You will need to look back to earlier parts of the text if you are to make accurate prediction, for you must keep in mind the general organization of the argument as well as the detail within each sentence. If you have tried this out, you have probably been interested to find how much you can predict, though naturally we should not expect to be right every time -- otherwise there would be no need for us to read.

Conscious use of this technique can be helpful when we are faced with a part of the text that we find difficult: if we can see the overall pattern of the text, and the way the argument is organized, we can make a reasoned guess at the next step. Having an idea of what something might mean can be a great help in interpreting it.

The author uses the examples of carpentry and reading to show______.

A.the importance of making prediction

B.the similarity in using one's senses

C.the necessity of making use of one's knowledge

D.the most effective method in doing anything

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